OSHC Weekly Update

This term in Macedon Primary School OSHC we are focusing on healthy habits. This has involved updating our weekly menu under the guidance of Vic Kids Eat Well https://www.vickidseatwell.health.vic.gov.au/ and we have ordered a range of new sports equipment.


Last week in OSHC the children focused on Child Protection Week.

They created a collaborative poster. Our children created/decorated hands and speech

Bubbles identifying their five trusted people & positive affirmations/characteristics about themselves.


The children engaged in a lot of outdoor activities. Tennis and down ball  was very popular.



THIS WEEKS PROGRAM   September 16th- 20th

Footy activitiesOutdoor activities with JackFooty craftFooty activitiesLast day of school fun


After School care menu:




With a selection of fruit



With a selection of fruit



With a selection of fruit

Biscuits, cheese, tomatoes and cucumber


With a selection of fruit



Turkish bread and dip



With a selection of fruit




All girls attending our service on a Wednesday afternoon are welcome to join Cricket Victoria All Girls Cricket Blast Program on the school oval.


Vicki, Jess and the OSHC team