YEAR 3/4 VA Learning

This term, our Year 3 and 4 students have been exploring the theme of “Courage”through narrative storytelling. They explored a variety of narratives that featured courage as a central theme and used visual prompts to spark their creativity. Students also practiced incorporating figurative language to enhance their writing, creating vivid imagery and making their stories more interesting.
We are excited to share that Georgia and Sophie would like to shareshowcase their writing pieces.
Sophie Goodwin 3/4 VA
Last term year 3 and 4 VA each wrote a narrative on courage. We had class discussions about what figurative language we should use in our pieces. We all tried our best because there was a competition organised by Ms Marinelli to win a courage book.
The story I wrote was about a girl whose name was Emily and she received a mysterious letter inviting her to a school of magic. In the morning she was on a flying bed and she dived into the water and there was the school of magic. The principal showed her to her room where she received a special surprise waiting for her - a beautiful wand! What adventures await Emily next? Stay tuned to find out!
Georgia Shea 3/4 VA
Last term the whole class and I wrote a writing piece about courage. We were all doing our personal bests to go into the Courage book competition. It was always a fun surprise.
My story was about a girl who felt different, much like a wilting flower. But she defied the odds! With a bit of water she began to grow and thrive as the water was magic and the flower was my character. Everyone used to stare but that didn’t matter she bursted through her shell and now is happier than ever. Stay tuned to see how her journey continues!