On Tuesday 3rd September the Leo Club held a dress up day to raise money for a special Monash Children's Hospital project. All of the money raised will go towards employing an artist to paint a wall mural in the area where patients come to ring the 'end of treatment' bell.


For the day, students and staff came dressed as their favourite movie or TV show character and at lunchtime took part in a parade with judges awarding prizes for the 'best dressed' in various categories. Additionally, the Leo club also organised a bake sale to raise additional money.


For those who do not know, the Leo club are the youngest members of the Lions organisation. Leos are devoted young people who realise the power of action. Through service to their community, they make the world a better place. We are very proud of the students who elect to be part of this club and make our community a better place. We are also thankful to the Lions Club and to Ms Benham who supports them.