Guest Speakers


Our VCE History students recently hosted a special guest who spent some time discussing his experience of the Vietnam War. One of the History students has provided her thoughts on the experience. You can find them below.


'On Friday 13th of September, our Year 11 history class and some other students were invited to come and listen to a guest speaker for our current topic on the Vietnam War. Our guest speaker, Ray, is a war veteran who fought the war in Vietnam. Ray discussed his experiences prior, during, and after his time in the war and also interesting stories about battles, booby traps, and other methods that the Viet Cong used. We were lucky enough to see Ray's equipment including his uniform, weapons, and photos. Ray's visit gave us a deeper understanding of events during the Vietnam war, and it was very entertaining overall.' - By Holly Potter (Year 11 History Student)



Project Rocket deliver workshops across Australia designed to address bullying and develop stronger more supportive communities within schools. 


Rather than presenting a lesson, motivational talk or lecture, the workshops take a 'show not tell' approach - using a toolkit of high energy activities, role plays, discussion, experiments and 'aha' moments to break through stigmatised issues and allow students to explore their own learning and beliefs.


On Tuesday 17th of September, Project Rocket ran workshops with our Year 7, 8 and 9 students to explore some of the social challenges of adolescence. They did an outstanding job working with each of our Junior School cohorts.