From the Executive Director

Free training session on recent Victorian FOI Act amendments
As many of you will have seen from one of our most recent Important Updates, amending legislation commencing on 11 September 2024 made some important changes to the FOI Act.
In summary, some of the main changes include:
- broadening the range of documents falling outside the FOI Act because information is available not just for a fee or charge, but also where the information is freely available (including on a website)
- provisions relating to consultation have been changed to refer not just to whether something is practicable; it has been amended to refer to whether it is "reasonably practicable"
- the Information Commissioner's powers have been changed to not just be limited to resolving matters by agreement between the parties. It now refers to resolution "informally"
- amending certain aspects related to where the Information Commissioner uses coercive powers
- sets out steps the Information Commissioner can take if it is not reasonably practicable to destroy, after inspection, documents where exemption is claimed under s 28, 29A, 31 or 31A - for which there have been special ways in which they can be produced to the Commissioner
- amends some of the annual reporting requirements applicable to the Information Commissioner.
FOI Solutions is conducting a free lunchtime session on 18 October 2024 for all Victorian Government agencies. The session will explain in detail those recent amendments and how they affect agencies.
Date & Time: Friday, 18 October 2024 at 1:00pm (via Webex)
Key Points:
- Learn about the 2024 amendments to the FOI Act that took effect on 11 September 2024.
- Understand how these changes might impact FOI request handling and agency responsibilities.
- Receive a clear explanation of the amendments, with slides and supporting material.
This session is essential for Victorian government staff handling FOI requests, OVIC reviews, or Information Commissioner complaints.
Who Should Attend: Anyone involved with FOI requests in Victorian government agencies.
How to register:
Register on our website here:
Send the following details to FOI Solutions by email at :
Email address (for seminar link):
We look forward to your participation. Please forward details to any other person within your agency who you think would benefit from this session.