First Nations Education 

UWS Pathways to Dreaming Year 7 and 8 Campus Visit

Our Year 7 and 8 First Nations students headed to UWS Campbelltown Campus as part of the Pathways to Dreaming program. Students participated in workshops in chemistry, podiatry, tradition games and they also went on a campus tour. It was a fantastic day and students were exceptional representatives of EHS.  A big thanks to the Pathways to Dreaming Team!!

Yarning Circle Work

Students had their green thumbs out as they worked in the yarning circle. They weeded, they watered, they planted new plants and they also concreted posts for our new plant information signs. The students did an awesome job and learnt some new skills while they were at it!!! The Yarning Circle is looking great and is now an inviting place to sit and share a story. A big thank you to Cliodhna from The Botanical Gardens First Nations Youth Community Greening Team!!



Yarning Circle Artwork

Ms Wallace, our First Nations SLSO, has been working with the students to produce an artwork for display in the yarning circle. At the NAIDOC Week afternoon tea, parent/careers and community members were able to contribute to the artwork. It will be special to have an artwork on display that our whole community has contributed it!! It won’t be long and it will be in the ground and on display.



National NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia in the first week of July each year (Sunday to Sunday), to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth.


EHS celebrated NAIDOC Week in Week 5, Term 3. Students in the cultural roll call group selected the bell songs for the week which highlighted First Nations Artists. Lunch time activities were held everyday and ranged from keyring creations to foam board printing. On Wednesday the popular Bush Tucker BBQ was held with Kangaroo, Emu and Crocodile sausages on offer. The highlight of the week was the First Nations Community Afternoon tea. We had a great turn out and students, parents, teachers and community members yarned over some yummy treats. Awards were presented for cultural leadership and attendance. It was a great week to celebrate and share First Nations culture.


Cultural Leadership Awards 

Year 7: 

Ruby N

Kayden N


Year 8:

Ethan I

Annabelle K


Year 9: 

Harrison D

Tanisha WL


Year 10:

Ethan S

Amelia H


Year 11:

Ryan PS

Kimberley S


Year 12: 

Matthew P

Olivia L


Attendance Awards

Year 7:

Ella S

Bella-Rose WM


Year 8: 

Evie J

Ayden T


Year 9: 

Harrison D

Ellah L


Year 10: 

Jack RH

Miah-Bella D


Year 11:

Lindsay C

Ella S


Year 12:

Lennox G

GO Scholar Cultural Day

GO foundation Scholars hit Taronga Zoo for a cultural day. There were lots of moans and grunts when the 6.45am departure time was announced, however, our students had a great day!! Big thanks to Ms Trinh and Ms Wallace for setting their alarms early and the Go Foundation for putting together an awesome day!!! It was a great opportunity to learn about culture and connect with other students.


Z Crossingham

Head Teacher PDHPE

Aboriginal Education Coordinator