EHS Houses  

EHS House News!

Incredible work by our school community getting onboard to continue to lift the School House Spirit! Congratulations to Merino House who took out Top Spot at the end of Term 2, closely trailing behind was Razorback. 


As of Week 9, Term 3,  the current leaderboard stands as:

  • Merino - 11, 341
  • Razorback - 10,730
  • Lyrebird - 10, 399
  • Bluetongue - 10, 131
  • Kookaburra - 9, 328

Well done to the incredible list of students who have continuously worked diligently across all subject areas to earn themselves certificates and rewards for topping their House Leaderboard.



  • Georgina C (Year 12)
  • Jasper B (Year 12)
  • Rabi B (Year 10)


  • Kristian H (Year 10)
  • Amelia H (Year 10)
  • Noah D (Year 12)


  • Daniel L (Year 9)
  • Tyler L (Year 12)
  • Annabelle K (Year 9)


  • Alicia P (Year 9)
  • Elliot R (Year 12)
  • Dennis P (Year 10)


  • Leonardo S (Year 10)
  • Lucy T (Year 8)
  • Aidyn S (Year 9)

In Week 4, 6 and 8, the House Captains also assisted in running some friendly lunchtime activities - Netball, Volleyball & OzTag.


As part of the ‘National Day Against Bullying Initiative Week’, EHS students were encouraged to get involved in the Netball Competition as a way to promote belonging. A huge effort to Razorback who took home the win in a close final match against Merino House. It was a huge turn out for the first game. Well done too, and a big thanks to our amazing referees - Ms Mak, Taylah & Alysah B. 



From the success of Netball, we were excited by the next round of games - that being Volleyball! Both Juniors and Seniors had a go to dominate, with Kookaburra taking down Bluetongue in the final. Excellent effort by all!



An incredible turn out for all House Games this term. We look forward to seeing more students participate in Term 4.


Lastly, we would like  to congratulate and thank the incredible 2024 House Captaincy team - notably the Year 12 students - in whom, many have taken this role with stride across the last two years. Big thanks to Joel Collins, Dylan Lee, Dylan Trynchy and Kathy Gramelis who have held the badge for this time. They will be missed!


Over the last year, the team has come together on many occasions, and have worked incredibly hard to build up House Culture. I am incredibly proud of their efforts, achievements and willingness to get on board in this role for 2024. A big congratulations to James O'Brien who has successfully used his role as  House Captain to achieve a position in the Senior Captaincy Team for 2025. Well done James!


We look forward to the new set of applicants for the House Captaincy role in early Term 4.


Any student in Year 10 (2025) will be eligible to apply. Applications due Week 3 of Term 4.


EHS House Committee