From the Deputy 


A Message from the Deputy Principals

Year 12 

For Year 12 students, the end of their schooling journey is in sight. This time is full of exciting events to celebrate their hard work and achievements, including their Graduation Ceremony. I look forward to celebrating their achievements with you at this event. 


As they prepare for the upcoming HSC exams, I want to offer a few tips:

1. Create a Study Schedule: Help your child plan their study time in advance, ensuring they cover all subjects and allocate more time to areas needing extra attention.


2. Practice Past Papers: Familiarising themselves with past exam questions is a great way to build confidence and understand the format and types of questions they may encounter.


3. Stay Active and Rested: Encourage a balance between study, physical activity, and rest. Regular breaks and sufficient sleep are key to maintaining focus and preventing burnout.


4. Seek Support: If your child is feeling overwhelmed, remind them that their teachers can provide support. They should not hesitate to reach out if they need guidance.


Thank you for your ongoing support during this crucial time in your child’s education. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact the school.


Year 11 

After three busy terms, Year 11 are now in the final stages of their Preliminary Examinations and we are very pleased with their level of focus and commitment to their assessments. Students have adapted to the demands of the senior school very well and next term they begin their HSC courses. Early in Term 4 we will be hosting an HSC Information Evening for all students and their parents to learn more about the requirements for an HSC, early entry processes for university positions and the expectations of being a Year 12 student. The date will be announced shortly. 


In Year 12, students will be able to alter their pattern of study by picking up an extension course or dropping a subject. This too will be explained at the information session and once students submit a Pattern of Study Form, an interview process will occur with Ms Malcolm and Mrs Amos. Students will continue with their current subjects until the end of this year and drop subjects at the start of 2025, unless they pick up an extension course.


Year 10 

Year 10 Formal is being held at Camden Lakeside Country Club on Wednesday 4th December. Parents will receive the permission note via email later this term. Students who have maintained good behaviour, attendance and completed their class work and assessment tasks will be invited to attend. The Year 10 Formal is a school organised invitation only event with criteria that has been communicated to all students in Year 10 from the beginning of the year.


During the Year 10 Careers lessons students have been completing their HSC Minimum Standards tests in Reading, Writing and Numeracy. All students will need to meet the HSC Minimum Standards by passing all three tests before being eligible for a Higher School Certificate. If students are not successful on their first attempt, they have the opportunity to re-sit the tests four times each year up until five years after they have completed their HSC examinations.


In Week 7 of Term 4, Year 10 students will transition into their Year 11 classes. Students have the option to wear the senior uniforms or remain in their current junior uniform if they intend on leaving school.  This is a unique program that Elderslie High School coordinates so that students can meet their teachers and learn about the subjects they will be enrolled in 2025.


Year 9

Term 4 marks an important milestone in Year 9 students' schooling journey as they prepare to transition into Year 10. A year that brings new challenges and opportunities for academic and personal development.


A key focus next term is ensuring that our students remain focused in class. I’d like to remind you of the importance of the Yondr pouches. By keeping their phones safely stored, students can engage more meaningfully in their lessons. Your support at home in reinforcing this policy is greatly appreciated.


Year 8 

Our Year 8 students have been involved in a host of whole school activities and representing our school in the local community. This has included our Pasifika students doing a performance at Elderslie Public School, students participating in the Bookweek celebrations and Science Fair and contributing to the Cooling the Schools tree planting program, just to name a few. It is wonderful to see so many students embracing all opportunities that school provides and I look forward to more great news stories in Term 4.


It is almost time for the final assessments for Year 8 across many of the subjects and students should be encouraged to write topic summaries, review the feedback from previous assessments and also ensure that they have all of their course notes up to date.  Use the assessments as an opportunity to demonstrate what they know and how they can apply their knowledge.


Year 7 

Year 7 went off to Camp Yarramundi from 4th to 6th September. They all had a fabulous time participating in the activities and getting to know each other over the three days away. They all need to be congratulated on their excellent behaviour when representing Elderslie High School at the camp venue. I would also like to express my appreciation to the teachers and support staff who attended the camp as they gave up personal time to be there for our year 7 students. Mr Goodsell should also be thanked for the many hours he worked to organise the camp.

Elderslie High School provides wellbeing support to students who might be experiencing difficulties with the mental and emotional wellbeing. Mrs Garner is our Relieving Head Teacher Wellbeing and she is located in the top floor of the library. I will often refer students to Mrs Garner so that she can allocate the appropriate support to meet the needs of the identified students. This term we have had our Student Support Officer run a small group intervention for girls experiencing difficulties navigating social conflicts at school. If you feel as though your child would benefit from speaking to a Student Support Officer, please reach out to myself or Mrs Garner and we will ensure some supports are allocated to your child.


Support Unit 

Transitioning from Year 6 to Year 7 is a significant step for all students, but it can be especially challenging for those with diverse learning needs. A well-structured transition program is crucial to help students adapt to the new academic and social environment of high school. The Support Unit Transition program has begun and we have had our first short visit from students who will be joining us in 2025. As the year progresses the students will attend a number of social skills lessons and whole day visits. Students will have the opportunity to engage in learning activities across a number of KLA’s and experience the daily routine of high school. Students enrolling in the mainstream environment with diverse learning needs will also participate in a transition program. During Term 4, these students will visit our school and experience a number of taster lessons and experience the high school environment. These programs help to reduce anxiety, build familiarity, and set up students for success as they begin this exciting new chapter of their school career.



A reminder that school commences at 8:50am every day. Every minute counts for our students and it is vital that students are on time every day. We are continually working on improving school attendance and ask that parents respond to notifications regarding any student absence. This communication ensures that parents know where their child is each day and also helps us keep our data as accurate as possible.


Mobile Phones and Online Safety 

The school is continuing to see the vast majority of our students using the Yondr pouches as per our policy to keep phones out of sight throughout the school day. When students do breach this policy, the first instance requires student to hand their phone into the office and further instances involve a phone suspension, a parent phone call home or further disciplinary action for failing to meet the school’s expectations. We thank all parents who are supporting the school in the implementation of this policy.


As parents we all want to help our children to safely navigate the digital world and educate them to avoid harmful online experiences. The eSafety Commissioner provides a wealth of information that helps parents in understanding online safety and what to do in instances of negative online experiences. Their website is an excellent source of information. Parents | eSafety Commissioner  


Thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child’s education.


Ms Martin - Deputy Principal, Years 7 and 10

Mrs Amos - Deputy Principal, Years 8 and 11

Mrs Siope/Mr Sambuco - Deputy Principals, Years 9 and 12

Mrs Robinson - Deputy Principal, Inclusion and Support