Year 7 Geography

Year 7 Geography have been studying the topic Landscapes and Landforms. Within this topic, students are immersed into the wonders of Natural Hazards - how they form, and reform our natural world. With this, students were able to create play doh models of the movements of tectonic plates, and thus, identify their locations around the world. With this, there were able to identify the ‘Ring of Fire’ and locate common volcanic movements. 


Great effort Year 7!


Year 8 Geography

Year 8 has been studying the topic Water in the World. They have recently conducted a site assessment of the local Oxley Rivulet as well as some data collection and testing. They used this data to write a report on the overall health of the waterway! These students identified the need to be conscious of our local waterways, and the vocational relevance of the geography subject.


Year 9 Geography

Year 9 Geography is currently studying a topic called Changing Places, with an assessment task asking them to step into the role of an urban planner. Having identified Camden as a pedestrian friendly area, students conducted fieldwork to investigate pedestrian accessibility, traffic slowing mechanisms, and potential areas for improvement.


Year 10 Geography

On Tuesday of Week 3, Year 10 Geography students enjoyed a hands-on learning experience at Taronga Zoo. The purpose of the day was for students to engage with, and learn from experts about the environmental changes, specifically focusing on Deforestation in Indonesia and Australia. Students were immersed in two different classrooms - the Rainforest & Desert room - meeting the local winged and scaled residents! What an awesome day, despite the rain. 


Check out Dom’s incredible #selfie with the Tiger. He took home the winning photo! 


We hope you had a great day!


Mrs Mulligan & Mrs Usher


During Week 8, EHS participated in Book Week. In Year 10 Geography, we created our very own books about the Layers of the Rainforest. The task required students to draw each layer of the rainforest accurately so that when the cut away book pages were turned, they could see and learn what lives in that layer of the rainforest. The students loved the activity and worked really diligently to create the best books that they could. Check them out below!


Mrs Usher

Year 10 Commerce

In Commerce, we have been learning about the role and significance of our Legal System in Australia. Great effort from Year 10COM1 who were able to replicate and complete a Mock Trial in class! Super proud of those students who committed to their various roles to bring it to life!


Year 10 Subject Selection Night

Year 11

We wish all Year 11 HSIE Students the best of luck in their Preliminary Exams across all our subject areas.


Year 12 Geography

Year 12 Geography from the beginning has had a focus on understanding the vocational relevance of the course. This final term, the class has been developing an understanding of the impacts and effects of global tourism with a case study focus on the economic enterprise of Taronga Zoo. Students were encouraged to investigate various internal and external linkages of the zoo, as well as its environmental constraints and ecological impacts. Needless to say, they had an exceptional experience together as a class. With their HSC Exam upcoming, this is just one example of how these amazing students have been offered an opportunity to expand on their knowledge with real world examples and experiences.


Beyond the HSC, as their teacher, I trust that I have inspired them well beyond the course. I have faith that these unique individuals will continue to explore the great big world around them, ask pertinent questions, and discover as far as their feet will take them. This is the nature of geography.

Year 12 Society & Culture

Congratulations to the class of 2024 for submitting their Personal Interest Projects (PIPS). After 10 months, tears, stress and endless hours of editing, both the students and teachers are exhausted. You should be so incredibly proud of the process and submission of this major work. What an incredible achievement! Well done Year 12. 


Ready to do it all again for the class of 2025! We hope you enjoyed the delicious cake - created by Mrs Usher. 


Year 9-12 Geography

Recently around 40 students completed the Australian Geography Competition, a very difficult exam that occurs early all around Australia. Congratulations to everyone involved, this year was a difficult one! A standout in achievement is Aidyn Steel of year 9 who achieved a High Distinction and among the top 10.7% of Australian Geography Students.