
Success at the Greater Sydney Cattle Competition

Our cattle team, Zara Buckley, Charley Buckley, Sophie Constantine, Rylee Schaefer, Will Giles, Jacob Mulcahy, Aiden Mulcahy, Caitlin Jones, under the guidance of Ms. Last, successfully reared and monitored the growth of a Murray Grey Steer for 100 days as part of the Greater Sydney Cattle Competition, which involved 12 schools. The students carefully planned his feeding ration, worked on breaking him in, and honed their parading skills in preparation for competition day.


On Live Day, held in mid-August, the team was judged on both their parading abilities and the presentation they prepared, which outlined their feeding regime. Caitlin was awarded 5th place in the Junior non-speaking Judging Competition, Sophie was awarded 2nd place in the Senior non-speaking competition, Rylee, 2nd placed in the Senior Speaking competition, Aiden placed 2nd in the Novice Parader Competition, Jacob 2nd in the Senior parader and Will 3rd in the Senior Novice Parader Competition. The team received 3rd place for Herdsmanship.  This competition, a "hoof and hook" event, also provided the students with valuable feedback on the quality of the resulting carcass.


The competition culminated last week with the Presentation Evening, where Rylee and Will represented the school proudly when they delivered their speech at the end of the evening. Congratulations to the entire team for their dedication and success!


Agriculture Students Shine at Penrith Show

Students from our agriculture program showcased their skills at the recent Penrith Show, excelling in several events. They constructed an impressive display on the importance of trees on farms, competing against 14 other public and private schools. Their efforts earned them first place, with students interviewed by two teams of judges.


In fleece judging, Sophie took first place, while Jack, Milla, and Ruby also received place ribbons. In poultry judging, Isabella secured a third place finish. In cattle parading, Jacob and Aiden both placed first in their heats, with Sophie and Rylee taking second in theirs.

The heifer fitting team of Rylee, Jacob, and Aiden performed outstandingly, earning first place in the competition where they prepared an animal for show.


Smudge, our Valais Black Nosed Sheep, also made his debut and was an amazing hit with the crowds.


Thanks to Zara Buckley, Charley Buckley, Sophie Constantine, Rylee Schaefer, Will Giles, Jacob Mulcahy, Isabella Robins, Tanneah McMartin, Georgie Todd, Kristian Harris, Alicia Balmer, Milla Dempsey, Ruby Keys, Jack Nicol and Sybella Williams who represented our school.


We are incredibly proud of their achievements!


Tree Planting at Elderslie – A Community Effort

Students from our Agriculture Team, First Nations students, the Rural Youth Sports Team, and Year 7 students took part in an exciting tree planting project at Elderslie. As part of the Cooling the Schools program, they planted 200 trees and shrubs around the school grounds. This initiative aims to create more shaded areas for students and provide habitat for local wildlife.


In addition, bush tucker plants were planted in the Insect Garden within the Ag plot, contributing to both biodiversity and cultural learning. Our students will provide ongoing care to ensure these plants thrive, fostering a greener future for our school.

Ms Atkinson
