Principal's message

Reflection on Term 3
Term 3 was demonstrative of the breadth and depth of educational opportunities that are available at our college. Each week I made regular visits to classrooms, and always witnessed engaging and rigorous learning occurring in all learning areas. All teachers are required to plan and teach in accordance with our School-Wide Instructional Model (SWIM), which includes Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) strategies. Applying a consistent teaching methodology across the college ensures that students can access their learning, regardless of the teaching area. BSEM strategies are largely focussed on developing a calm and supportive learning environment.
Towards the end of Term 3 we conducted an extended consultation session with our Year 10 students, with a view to enhancing student voice, particularly around how we can strengthen the senior years’ experience for our Year 11 and 12 students. Many students indicated they would like more freedom of choice with uniforms. This matter will be addressed through the latest version of the uniform policy, which will be shared with staff, students and families in Term 4. Other areas that were also raised included the following: increased lunchtime activities, more seats and tables around the school grounds and improving our sporting facilities. Additional consultation with student groups will occur during Term 4.
Our Intermediate Girls and Intermediate Boys Soccer Teams achieved some amazing success, with both competing in the State Finals, with the teams finishing second and fifth respectively. Thanks to all the staff, students and parents who played various roles in supporting this achievement.
In August our Symphony Orchestra competed in the Victorian Schools' Music Festival (Symphony Orchestra), and was again awarded with a Silver Medal, demonstrating a high level of skill and expertise.
In September we held the first ever Victorian Series Mountain Bike Event at our college, which was successful on many levels. The event attracted nearly 200 competitors from across the state, competing in various age groups. The success of this event was due to the dedication and effort of many Outdoor Recreation staff and students. I want to extend my utmost gratitude to two parents, Sarah Fletcher and Sally Melville, who were the driving forces behind this event.
During the term we had many other successful extra-curricular activities, which included the following.
- Year 8 Warrnambool Camps
- Wear it Purple Day
- Year 10 Torquay Camp
- 2025 Course Counselling Information Sessions
- Several Outdoor Education camps
- Senior Formal
Gender Based Behaviour Update
In June this year I distributed a letter that outlined some concerns about a minority of male students in Year 7-9, who were displaying inappropriate gender-based behaviour, which usually involves inappropriate comments being made to female peers and female staff. Whilst it was a minority of students engaging in this behaviour, the overall negative impact on others was significant, therefore some attention was required in this area. We are tracking the prevalence of these behaviours and taking a restorative and educative approach, that engages with parents / carers to improve the students’ behaviours and address any underlying concerns associated with such behaviour.
Towards the end of Term 3, we have received some communication from concerned families that there have been regular sexual assaults occurring on school premises, I can assure all families that such events have not been occurring, and that the safety and wellbeing of students and staff will always remain a priority at our college.
Buildings and Grounds Update
The Buildings and Grounds Sub-Committee have continued working towards the development of the College Master Plan, which will outline the major projects we wish to undertake within the next 5-10 years. A major focus of this work will be improving the facilities that promote physical activity. Consultation with students, families and the wider community will occur during Term 4, with an official release of the Master Plan to occur during the Awards Ceremony, on Wednesday 11 December.
2024 Awards Ceremony
Students, parents and carers should be aware that the 2024 Awards Ceremony will be occurring from 9:30am - 10:30am on Wednesday 11 December. Invites to Award Sponsors, Award Recipients and their families will be distributed the week before this event.
2025 Step-Up Program
Students will commence their 2025 classes during Term 4, with the Step-Up Program running from Monday 2 - Friday 13 December. Students will be provided with their 2025 timetable before Step-Up classes begin and will be given an opportunity to make changes to their classes during the two weeks of Step-Up. Attendance is required for the entire two-weeks of Step-Up, as students will commence work and assessment for 2025.
Literacy and numeracy focus - repeat notice from last newsletter
Students and families of Year 7 and 8 are reminded to complete their weekly literacy and numeracy homework throughout Education Perfect. Improving literacy and numeracy skills are beneficial for all students, and developing good homework habits is beneficial for improved VCE performance. Any parents who would like support with understanding the requirements of the homework task should contact your child’s mentor teacher, or contact Sharon Rossiter (numeracy Learning Specialist) or Sarah Ward (Literacy Learning Specialist).
Communication - repeat notice from last newsletter
Families are reminded that XUNO is the main form of communication used by our college. Families must download the XUNO Family application to your phone, and should ensure notifications are turned on. XUNO is also used to check student attendance and access reports. The college will distribute a newsletter at the beginning of each term, which will be distributed via email. Families and students are also encouraged to check XUNO daily, monitoring their attendance rate and checking for announcements that may be relevant for them.
Student Attendance - repeat notice from last newsletter
Students should aim to have attendance above 95%, which is no more than 2 days absent per term. If families need assistance to maintain high attendance with their child / children, please contact the mentor teacher to discuss supportive strategies. The following information has been provided by the DET.
Justin Hird