Leadership Centre
Selamat Siang,
We are thrilled to welcome everyone to Term 4! It’s hard to believe how quickly this year has flown by, and we’re already off to a busy start.
This week, our Year 5/6 students dove into their guided inquiry unit with an exciting smoothie bar incursion. They worked collaboratively in teams to plan, design, and create their own smoothie bar businesses, each crafting a signature smoothie for their business and taste testing their recipes.It was inspiring to witness their goal-setting, teamwork, creativity, and enthusiasm for learning!
In literacy, we’re focusing on procedural texts, exploring their structure and language to ensure they are clear and explicit. Meanwhile, in numeracy, students are comparing product prices to determine the best value for their purchases.
The 5/6 Leadership Team
Attention Year 6 Families - Baby Photos for Graduation
We are looking forward to celebrating Year 6 Graduation at the end of the year, with preparations already underway!
One of our beloved traditions is sharing three baby photos from between the ages of 0-5 as part of the presentation. We are asking if you could please email gradesixgraduation@gmail.com with these three photos by November 29th. We usually recommend one baby photo, one as a toddler and one around kinder age but any family favourites will be great! Also, if your child attended another school prior to MPRPS and you have their school photo, it would also be much appreciated if you could send those though.
We will send reminder emails over the coming weeks but we like to get an early start as it takes a while to collate everything! Thank you so much for your support.
- SunSmart - hats need to be worn now!
- Thank you to those who have already brought tissues for the class. It would be amazing if you could please bring more tissues!
Pupil of the Week
5/6C - Jude P
For demonstrating enthusiasm, teamwork and creativity during our Smoothie Bar incursion! Your Smoothie bar business was innovative and well thought through.
5/6S - Ally W
For demonstrating zest and amazing teamwork skills, being kind and fair to your teammates during our The Smoothie Bar Incursion.
5/6FL - Brandon H
For demonstrating enthusiasm, creativity and teamwork during the Smoothie Bar Incursion.
5/6E - Charlie W
For engaging with and challenging yourself in maths tasks this week.
5/6N - Saumya V
For demonstrating your love of learning when seeking feedback on your smoothie recipe during our incursion.