A Message from the Principal

Dear Families,
Welcome to term 4 – I trust everyone had a restful and well-deserved break and are looking forward to our last term for 2024.
Term 4 is a very busy term, where there are many events to mark the transitions to the next phase of our students’ learning journeys. In coming weeks, we have our Art Show, we will be welcoming our 2025 Prep students for orientation, enjoying Athletics Day at Meadowglen, participating in the Colour Fun Run and preparing to celebrate our Carols and farewelling our Year 6 students. There is a lot to look forward to, and l encourage everyone to check the calendar to ensure you are aware of important dates this term.
SLA Camp
Today our SLA students return from camp in Bacchus Marsh. Special thanks to Rhoe, Helen, Leah, Michael, Vanessa, Mary D and Geraldine for supporting our students on camp. I look forward to hearing all about it when they return.
Farewell Fr Manny
On Monday our whole school gathered in the church for a paraliturgy to acknowledge and thank Fr Manny for his 17 years of dedicated service to our parish and school. Whilst we are very sad to say goodbye to Fr Manny, we acknowledge that recent health challenges have made it difficult for him to continue in his role as Parish Priest of St Joseph the Worker. Fr Manny has written a final message to families, and it is included in today’s newsletter.
3 Way Conversations
Special thanks to families for attending 3 Way Conversations at the end of last term. It is so important that you know your child’s teacher and that they know you! We know that when parents work in partnership with the school, student learning is enhanced. The information and insights you provide, further assists teachers in meeting your child’s needs and supporting them as a person and as a learner. At St Joseph the Worker, we value the role of parents and families as the first, most important and continuing educators of their children. It is a privilege for us to join and work with you to provide a positive learning environment and the best opportunities in knowledge and faith to support your child's growth in their learning journey.
A friendly reminder that Andrew Moreton, Victoria Police is visiting next Tuesday,15th October. I hope families will take advantage of this opportunity to hear about further strategies to support their child/children online. Please return the note to school confirming your attendance.
Pilgrimage to Rome
At the end of term 3, l travelled on a pilgrimage with Principals to Rome, Assisi, Grecco and Siena. In the heart of Rome, we marvelled at the grandeur of the Colosseum, imagining the epic battles that once captivated audiences. The intricate beauty of the Vatican left us in awe, from the stunning artistry of the Sistine Chapel to the serene ambiance of St. Peter's Basilica.
The pilgrimage was a fabulous experience and provided us all with the opportunity to step back, be, listen and explore in beautiful Italy. Saint Francis said that we should discover God at the centre of our life. Franciscans pray not to acquire a relationship with God, they pray to disclose the image of God in which we are all created and to find God within us. As Catholics we pray that we discover what we already have - the incomparable treasure hidden within us and to allow God within, to become visible.
Travelling with colleagues not only enriched our discussions about leadership and education but also deepened our connections as we shared unforgettable moments in this incredible setting. In Assisi, the peaceful charm of this medieval town provided a perfect contrast, with its cobblestone streets and breathtaking views. This trip was a perfect blend of ancient history, serene spirituality, and the invaluable insights gained from collaborating with fellow educators, leaving us all inspired and united in our mission. I feel very privileged to have enjoyed this experience with my colleagues.
As it was St Frances of Assisi feast day on October 4th, l have included his prayer below, remembering that St Francis, is the Catholic Church's patron saint of animals and the environment.
May St Joseph the Worker continue to bless us and watch over us.
Kind regards,
Maria Barnes