Sport Update

Region Athletics

On the 10th of October EMC had 24 students compete in the Southern Metro Region Athletics. An amazing turn out from all the students, and incredible results throughout the day, with 2 athletes qualifying for State. 



State Athletics

On the 21st of October, 2 students traveled to Albert Park to compete in the Victorian State Athletics. 



Jemma Reynolds - 2nd 18-20 Girls 90m Hurdles

Alex Healy - 5th 15 Girls Discus 


Year 7 Girls Hockey

The EMC girls hockey team played in the Southern Metro Region Finals on the 29th of October, against  Frankston High School, McKinnon High School and Mt Eliza High School. Even though we came third we played really well.

The first game we played was against Frankston HS. We played really well but sadly we did lose 0-1, but it was a really close game. The second game we played was against McKinnon HS, we managed to draw 2-2 with them and that was one of the best games we played. McKinnon became the overall winners for the day. The last game we played was against Mt Eliza HS who had lost all of their other games and we won that game 3-0.

I would like to congratulate the rest of the girls who played with me and say that even though that we didn't win we did play really well and I hope you had just as much fun as I did. 


Written by the Team Captain- Grace Collins


Langwarrin Family Chiropractic Achievement of the Year Award 

This month’s achievement of the year nominee is Year 12 student Jemma Reynolds. 

Jemma competed at both Division and Region winning the Open girls 90m Hurdles. These results saw Jemma qualify to compete at State athletics held at Lakeside Park, Melbourne, against the best athletes in the State. Jemma was an absolute professional, handling the pressure and finishing second. An outstanding performance from our Year 12 Sports Captain. 


Congratulations for being nominated for the Langwarrin Family Chiropractic Achievement of the year award, we look forward to following your progress in years to come. 

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