News From Mr Smith

Dear School Community Members,


It is hard to believe that we are coming to the end of Term 3! Our focus during Term 3 has been to support the wellbeing and learning of our students, whilst also further developing the teaching and learning initiatives and key improvement strategies outlined in our School Improvement Plan. This includes embedding the Mano Health and Wellbeing model, implementing the Mano Writers Workshop approach, introducing the ‘Launch, Explore, Summarise’ Maths model and reviewing and updating our Curriculum.  Ultimately, we are committed to providing high quality instruction and the necessary wellbeing supports for every student.  


Thank you to all students, staff and families for your contribution to Term 3 being so productive and focussed on our core business of maximising outcomes in learning and wellbeing for each student. All of our students have had the opportunity to engage in a host of educational, cultural, social and sporting activities to enjoy over the last 10 weeks. It is a privilege to experience and enjoy each student’s successes in a range of diverse activities.


Unleashing Potential Awards – Term 3: The Unleashing Potential Award is a highly coveted award at Mano! Each term, one student per Learning Community (Year Level) is recognised for the following:

  • consistently working hard,
  • is self-motivated, and 
  • strives to reach their individual potential

Congratulations to the following students on receiving the Term 3 Unleashing potential award:


Prep         George Watson (Prep W)  

Grade 1   Eve Lush (1O) 

Grade 2   Amelia Palermo (2S)

Grade 3   Sofia Bultman (3/4S)

Grade 4   Lucas Hansen (4M)

Grade 5   Lewis Pabst (5/6W)

Grade 6   Elijah North (5/6W)


Congratulations – Ashton Muller, Edison Peel and Jack Francis: We congratulate the following Grade 6 students on being awarded a scholarship to North Geelong Secondary College. 

  • Ashton = Community Scholarship
  • Edison = The Arts Scholarship
  • Jack = Student Leadership Scholarship

Ashton, Edison and Jack were awarded their scholarship at assembly on Monday by North Geelong Secondary College Principal, Mr Dawson. Congratulations, Ashton, Edison and Jack!  

State School Spectacular: Congratulations to our sixteen Grade 5 and Grade 6 students who were part of our State School Spectacular team. Their performance was outstanding and we are all extremely proud of the manner in which they represented Mano. I also extend a huge thank you to Mrs Orford and Ms Stapleton for their dedication and passion in supporting our students and coordinating all that goes with such a huge event. 


Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge: Congratulations to the students who participated in the Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge. The challenge involves students reading a set number of books according to their age and recording their efforts online. We acknowledge and recognise the wonderful efforts of the following students:


Hugo Baker (Gr 1B)

Chloe Cameron (Gr 2B)

Evelyn Andrews (Gr 2B)

Lily Freeman (Gr 3Q)

Will Freeman (Gr 4F)


Term 3 Social Service Activity: Tomorrow is our Term 3 Social Service activity coordinated by our Junior School Council.


Date:                     Friday, 20th September

Charity:                Royal Children’s Hospital   

Donation:            Gold coin


Students and staff are invited to come to school dressed in their Sporting Team colours! Once again, congratulations to our Junior School Council for their leadership across our school.


Pupil Free Days – Term 4: Please note the Pupil Free day and Public Holiday for Term 4:

  • Wednesday, 23rd October: Geelong Cup Public Holiday (no school)
  • Friday, 22nd November: Curriculum Day: focus on Assessment and Reporting (pupil free day)

VillageOSHC will provide care options and should be contacted directly for bookings.


2025 Planning: To assist with our planning for 2024, if your child will not be attending Mano in 2025, please advise the office ASAP.


End of Term Arrangements: Tomorrow is the last day of term 3. Please note, students will be dismissed from school at 2:30pm. After School Care will begin at 2:30pm. Term 4 will commence on Monday, 7th October.


Term 4 promises to be another fulfilling and rewarding time at Manifold Heights Primary School. Swimming programs, transition sessions, Year 6 Graduation ceremony, Bike Ed for our Grade 4 and Grade 5 students, and many excursions and incursion are among some of the extra-curricula activities that will complement the formal curriculum.


On behalf of all staff, I wish all students and families a wonderful and safe break.


Christian Smith