Student Leadership

Dear Saltwater Community,
This year the Junior School Council Members have been working together to identify problems at our school and the solutions that we can put in place. Two main problems we identified were the misuse of the school bathrooms and students attending school late.
To improve the condition of the bathrooms, our vision was to create a presentation and a video to explain to students how to be responsible when using the bathroom. We were very excited to share our project and presented this at the Prep to Year 2 assembly. Our student leaders have also given each classroom resources and stuck posters up around the bathroom areas to remind students of the expectations.
Another initiative we took was making sure that each class had a Sign in/Sign Out sheet, which is used to record the time when students leave to go to the bathroom and what time they return. The purpose of this is to monitor and ensure students are accountable for their actions.
The final action we are putting in place to ensure that students are being safe and responsible in the bathroom, we are introducing bathroom patrol.
At the end of Term 3, we met with Ms Daniali to discuss our solution to improve student attendance and arrival on time each morning. One idea we aspire to implement is having music playing when classroom doors open, to indicate when students should be heading into class. The reason we need this reminder is so students know when to go to class and reduce the amount of late arrivals.
As we all know, a missed day of school is a missed day of learning. These small solutions will help our school take a big step to improve our school environment.
Yours truly,
Lora MA and Zainah MOHAMMED ASIF
Year 6 Student Leaders