Year Six

Dear Year Six Families,
Welcome back to Term 4! We are so excited to see what our students final term of primary school has in store for them. It is going to be the best one yet, even though it is also shaping up to be the busiest.
What a fantastic start to the term we have had!!
During our first week, we were lucky enough to have three incursions!
DreamCity was an amazing incursion where science, technology, engineering, the arts and maths collided in an explosion of fun. The students had the opportunity to take on the careers of the future and explore the power of science in our everyday lives.
The students participated in hands-on science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics (STEAM) learning experiences. This incursion was part of our provocation for our new Unit of Inquiry.
Wellbeing Incursion
We were fortunate enough to have Zali Ward speak to us about the game of hockey and her own hockey career. She was very inspirational, helping us understand that if we work hard and stay focused on our dreams, we can achieve anything we set our minds to.
Camp Preparation
Dave from The Ranch Camp came to see us to tell us all about our upcoming camp and what to expect. This was a very exciting time for our students. Dave responded to the students' survey where they indicated that they want to try new activities at camp. He gave us an amazing pep talk, encouraging us to be risk-takers and to push ourselves out of our comfort zones. His big take-away message was that the risk is worth the reward! We are so excited to get on camp and try new things!!
Year 6 - Wellbeing Day
The Big Sister Experience
The girls had the privilege of having the Big Sister Experience crew come out and talk to them about sisterhood and inspiring through self-confidence and self-love to become capable, resilient and empowered individuals of tomorrow.
The girls learnt about how to 'fill their own cups' and how to be accepting of each other and their differences.
Iron Armour Academy
The boys enjoyed a morning with Chris and Rochelle, from the Iron Armour Academy.
The motivational speaker shared his story and the challenges he has faced along his journey to be a professional footballer. He encouraged us to dream big, work hard to achieve those dreams and never let anything get in the way of going after them.
Our Year Six boys have taken away so much inspiration to go after their own dreams.
Interschool Sport
A busy first week in sport for our students. Nine of our Year Six girls went to compete at the divisional softball tournament. They did an amazing job representing our school and showed incredible sportsmanship. The girls finished as runners-up.
Amazing effort! Well done girls!
Iron Champions
Iron Champions have submitted their applications and students have been selected thier 8 week program. Successful students have began their first sessions in week 2, and came away inspired and eager for more. We are excited to see the growth of these students in the next 8 weeks.
First NRL Primary Tournament
Rugby Tryouts were undertaken in week one in preparation for our very first primary rugby tournament. Times and days will communicate shortly when teams are have been anounced. Training will be weekly leading up to the tournament on the 28th November.
Learning Areas
The beginning of the term has seen a new unit of learning begin in all areas of learning.
Our new Transdisciplinary Theme is 'How The World Works' where we will explore the Central Idea, 'Exploring past discoveries and inventions helps us understand how new innovations emerge.' We are looking forward to exploring the evolution of inventions, their causes, effects and the innovators who created them.
Reading and Writing
In Reading and Writing, our focus is biographies. We are learning to understand the purpose, features and structure of a biography through looking at biographies of others and writing biographies of our own.
We have started this term revising number and algebra, brushing up on our problem solving strategies. Our focus has been on finding different strategies that work for us individually. We have been exploring Abstract, Representative and Concrete (ARC) strategies.
Exhibition Advertisement Board
Better late than never...
A massive congratulations to Fathi, Aarav, Ilyas and Daksh who were the winners of our Exhibition advertisement board. Their combined design was displayed at the front of our school to advertise our Year Six Exhibition.
Their combined design was a great representation of all of our learning and everything we stand for here at Saltwater College.
Well done boys!
- The Ranch Camp 21st-23rd October:
Key Reminders:
- Departure and Return:
- Departure: Students are expected to arrive at school by 8.20am on the morning of 21st October for a prompt departure.
- We will have tables set up on the basketball court, please sign in your child and communicate how they are being picked up following arrival on the 23rd with their classroom teacher.
- Please then sign in your medication with Miss Wetherill and Mr Peterson at the medication table.
- Return: Students will return to school by approximately 2.40pm on 23rd October.
- Please arrange for timely pickup on the basketball courts.
- MacBooks: Please ensure MacBooks are brought to school every day fully charged. Unfortunately, due to OH&S reasons, students cannot charge their devices at school.
- Mobile Phones: If a student brings a phone to school, they must hand it to their classroom teacher at the beginning of the day and collect it at the end of the day.
- Uniform: Students must wear full academic uniform every day, with the exception of their Year 6 polo shirt. On days with sports or PE, students can wear their PE uniform. Students are not allowed to wear other jumpers or hoodies that are not Saltwater Uniform. Please contact Miss Grenfell or Mr Nicolaides if you have an issue with a school jumper during the winter months.
- Late Arrivals: Students arriving at school from 8:40 am must sign in at the office before going to class.
- Absences: If your child/ren are absent, please log this on Xuno as early as possible to avoid messages for unexplained absences.
Kindest regards,
Year Six Team