From the Boarding Captains

Wow, who would have thought my time here at school would have come to an end here so fast. From thinking I have another whole year ahead of me to leaving in a few weeks. It has truly been an incredible journey.  


My time throughout Grammar has been an enjoyable one. With memories that will last a lifetime, to tests and exams that I would rather forget about. I would just like to thank everyone who has helped me throughout my time here. Whether it was a Head of House, a Supervisor, or a fellow student, without any of you, I wouldn’t have been able to make it this far. Thank you to Mr Keatch and Brianna for all your hard work helping me across this year. 


Last week on Tuesday night we had a farewell dinner for all of the Year Twelves. With the boys dressing up in smart casual and the girls in dresses, it sure was a fun night which included drinks and entrée at Eclipse and mains at Breaksea. It was then followed by a piñata which ended with lollies all over the ground. 

The past week the Year Twelves have been studying hard at their ATAR subjects both at school and in boarding. The best of luck for upcoming ATAR exams.


Congratulations to Chloe Climie who has been appointed Boarding Captain for next year. Also, congratulations to Amy Medway and Mariella Somerscales on their appointment as prefects too. I wish them all the best though out their leadership journey next year.


I wish everyone a safe drive home for a well-deserved break and hope to see you all again in the future. 


Steven Wiech | Boarding Captain


Change is one of the scariest aspects of life, and as boarders we all know that feeling of uncertainty as we enter a new part of life. The first time I walked into boarding was with my older sister. I was so excited to join her one day as I was told it was one massive sleep over with all your friends. When I came for my own first night at boarding, little did I know that the other young, excited faces were the ones I was going to make my closest and most favourite memories with. My cohort became my second family and if I could do it all again, I wouldn’t change a thing. 


As us Year Twelves start packing our bags and spending some of our last nights in boarding we reflect on the journey that we took to get here. Boarders came and went but the connections and memories we made I keep close to my heart. It's all the small things in boarding like rec, making tea in the kitchen and spending time hanging out on couch I will miss most. All the girls in Breaksea have such beautiful personalities and I wish you all good luck in the future and I hope our lives cross paths again. The boarding staff became our second parents, and I would like to say thank you for all the many hours you have spent raising all of us when we were here. I have had many a boarding parent and each brought happiness, kindness and laughter into the houses.


In the last week the Year Ten and Elevens threw us a big goodbye dinner involving Eclipse and Breaksea. We all wore our best fancy dress and walked the red carpet as we had a big dinner full of all our favourite foods, a pinata followed then we split back into our houses. The girls had an amazing evening as we laughed over Kahoots, were presented roses by the one and only bachelor host Osher (Mr Donaldson) and shed a few tears and giggles over Ms Stewart's reflections.

Next term a lot more tears will be shed as we spend our last days in boarding and say our last goodbyes. I want to congratulate Chloe Climie on becoming the 2025 Boarding Captain, I know you will do a sensational job and will have amazing support from our new School Captain Amy Medway and Baudin Captain Mariella Somerscales. 


I will see you all again for the last time next term and I hope you all have a fantastic holiday and the start of summer, brings many new memories and a good harvest.


Brianna Cunningham | Boarding Captain

Last Tuesday night the senior boarding students held the farewell dinner for the Year Twelve’s. Eclipse and Breaksea were all glammed up with balloons and decorations, and all the senior boarders dressed in their finest outfits and dresses. The night began over in Eclipse for entrees. We had a selection of party pies, spring rolls and sushi along with soft drinks served in champagne glasses. This was a chance for everyone to get around and see other people and enjoy with their friends. The firepit outside was alight which many gathered around for a chat. We then moved over to Breaksea for mains which was bao buns and pasta. This was a beautiful sit-down dinner where the two houses were able to connect and reminisce about their times in boarding. For dessert we had a variety of sweets from pavlova to chocolate fondue. Afterward we had a surprise for the Year Twelves where we bought out a piñata. Everyone had a turn to hit, some much more aggressive than others, and eventually it broke in which everyone swarmed in to get the lollies.  As all seniors went back to their houses, Breaksea had a Kahoot followed by farewell speeches and the Year Twelve’s receiving their giftboxes. The night was extremely delightful to see everyone dressed up and enjoying themselves. The dinner celebrates the Year Twelve’s journey throughout boarding and enables them to spend a special dinner with each other. I would like to thank all the Year Tens and Elevens for helping with decorations and planning, and special thanks to Liz and Mrs Franzinelli for organising this event.


Chloe Climie | 2025 Boarding Captain

Year Twelve Reflections

Over my five years in boarding, I have enjoyed the comfortable environment where I have been able to make new friends and learn from my peers. Over this time I have made many good memories including rec activities and hanging out in the boarding house on weekends. I look forward to finishing school and going home, but I will miss many aspects of life in boarding.


Daniel Barrett-Lennard | Year Twelve


My time in boarding school was a mix of challenges and growth. When I first started in Year Seven like many students in my cohort, I had lots of questions, what to expect? where to begin? and how does it all work? I was so nervous about the new beginnings I knew that boarding would be a tough transition, adjusting to strict routines, but as the years passed, I learned to be independent and build strong connections with my peers. I learned a lot about myself. Boarding has taught me resilience and the importance of community, and I am extremely grateful for all the memories made, the wonderful opportunities, and the fantastic people I met along the way. 


Faith Bin Omar | Year Twelve


Stepping through the doors of Endeavour House four years ago, I could never have anticipated how quickly time would pass or how deeply this experience would shape me. Being a boarder has taught me invaluable lessons in independence, resilience, and joy. Though there have been challenges along the way, my journey has been overwhelmingly filled with laughter, growth, and unforgettable moments. I’ve truly cherished my time here, and the friendships and memories I’ve made will stay with me for a lifetime.


Tiffany Butterworth | Year Twelve


Well, these six years have gone by so quick. From starting off as a little Year Seven down in Endeavour House, nervous and scared about starting a new school, to having my final Year Twelve boarding dinner just the other day. Boarding has taught me to be resilient, organised and independent. I have learnt how to do my washing, keep my room clean and always be prepared for an unexpected fire alarm. At the start, living away from home was hard, but it gradually got easier by being around some friends and always keeping busy. We always did the weekly trip in Year Seven after school to the Plaza to waste money and buy unnecessary items. I would like to thank all of my boarding supervisors I have had over the years; you guys have made it so easy for me, and a special thanks to my mum and dad for driving me everywhere and nowadays paying for my fuel.  Boarding has been fun, and I sure am going to miss it. Over the years I have made lifelong friends and memories to cherish forever.


Tyla Climie | Year Twelve


I’m really grateful to all the friends I’ve made in boarding and to all the support from the boarding staff over the years. My favourite memory of boarding is in Year Eight when the ditch behind Anchorage and Endeavour flooded and we all went ‘swimming’ in it at 8 o’clock at night. I will really miss boarding and will cherish the memories I’ve made here forever.


Dannielle Frost | Year Twelve


Since coming to boarding in Year Seven I have learned very valuable lessons over my time, such as learning to do my own washing, living away from home and independence, these skills will definitely benefit me in my future years. From beginning my first years in Michaelmas with Mr and Mrs Colgate to finishing my time with Mr Colton and many more staff throughout the years, these people as well as all other staff have helped me throughout my time. Boarding has been a great experience, and I have made many memories and friends along the way, it will always be a big part of my life and something that I won’t forget. I am grateful to my parents for the opportunities they have given me over my time in boarding, and I appreciate everything that they have done for me. They have played a big part in my boarding journey helping me get through any struggles I’ve had. Finally, I would like to thank boarding for all the endless opportunities and activities it has given us, it has my whole experience much more enjoyable.  


Kaleb Germain | Year Twelve


Boarding school has been incredibly beneficial for me and has helped me tremendously since first arriving in Year Seven. I started in Michaelmas House with Mr and Mrs Colgate as the Head of House, helping me ease into the boarding life I had to become accustomed to. They both made it very easy for me to settle in and helped teach me and my peers how to function in a house with at least 20 people.  After moving through different houses and changing between boarding parents, supervisors, and boarders, I was able to pick up lots of skills that sometimes go unrecognised and unnoticed. I still don’t know exactly what those skills are, but I know they help me without even knowing it. The ability to learn how to live and cooperate with people is one of the biggest challenges that come with boarding. It takes time but when you overcome these challenges you can gain access to a skillset that others may not find until well after school has finished. It provides a massive advantage for when students leave school and allows them to tackle new challenges much sooner.  I am extremely grateful for all the boarding staff that I had over the years and how they’ve managed the wide range of personalities throughout year groups. I’m going to miss drinking Sally’s soda water on every one of her shifts, and playing extremely competitive games of table tennis with Steve, Mr Colton, and Matthew. An enormous thankyou to my parents who have given me every opportunity possible and altered their own life to make mine easier. I will miss boarding and the people who are a part of it, but I am excited for what next year brings and what I make of it.


Koby Hams | Year Twelve


Throughout my time at boarding, I have had so many amazing experiences and have much I am grateful for. The supportive environments fostering participation are something I am particularly thankful for, being given the opportunity, capabilities and encouragement to fully commit to sports such as rowing; initiated by Mr Colton, academics; driven by prep and work alongside extracurricular sports; enabled by the buses. Dinners, studying, games and general living amongst mates has been incredible and I couldn’t be more thankful for all the time and effort put in by the community.


Joe Hawke | Year Twelve


Being at boarding has been an important part of life for three years, and I’m so grateful to be surrounded by lovely people and staff that have supported me. My favorite memory at boarding would have to be the end-of-year Christmas dinners, they were always so festive and fun, and it really felt like I was part of a community; I also appreciate how much effort goes into those dinners every year to make something special for us boarders. Another of my favourite memories is the late-night IGA runs with the various wonderful Breaksea staff! They are something I will always remember as one of my favourite things about boarding. 


Annabelle Lydeamore | Year Twelve


From coming into boarding in 2019, boarding was tough but I got through it by making many friends and I cherish so many memories. Going into Breaksea from Endeavour I have learnt how to be independent. As much as I didn't love school, I will miss it. 


Bella Patterson | Year Twelve


I truly am very grateful for all boarding has had to offer. From being able to meet such a range of different people both young and old, to the exciting opportunities that it has provided us with. I certainly won't forget the array of music repertoire the Chefs presented in the early mornings, some more questionable than others. A massive thank you to all the incredible supervisors over the years who have tolerated my saunter to the office to ask for Panadol for my once-ever reigning headache. And last but certainly not least thank you to my dear and wonderful parents who sent me here in the first place and letting me be a part of such a great community.


Lily Quick | Year Twelve


I first came to boarding in Year Eight from my hometown of Lake Grace. Right away I noticed I was surrounded by all the same boys I used to play junior footy against. Over these five years boarding has taught me to be independent and confident in myself, but also considerate of those around me and how to work with them and enjoy their company. Memories of the beach trips and op shop runs with Mr Forward and the lads, including the boys that graduated last year, will stay with me forever.  Thanks heaps to Mr Colton for the last three years of my time here at boarding. He’s been a good mentor, role model and motivation for everyone in the house and I wish him the best for himself and Carter as they move on to the U.S. next year.


Michael Watson | Year Twelve


As I reflect on the five years I’ve spent in boarding I can definitely say it’s been the most important time in my life. Everyone used to say how quickly my last year of school would go; now that I am near the end, I think back, and it really has gone by so fast. 


What I was told on my first day of boarding was true. I did in fact make lifelong friends and it did feel like a big sleepover. I am going to miss spending everyday with my best friends, going on rec or having late night talks. While I’ve been here, I’m glad I’ve had great support from amazing boarding staff that really made boarding feel more like home. 


Thank you to everyone in boarding that has helped me along the way. 


Georgia Williams | Year Twelve