Hannah Reid

Reading is Magic 

What an amazing time we had for Book Week last week. We started off the week with an incredible Writers Festival, organised by Keir and Emma - congratulations on making it such a fantastic day. A very big thank you to everyone who dressed up for our parade on Wednesday. It was great to see so many students and staff caught up in the magic of books! We won’t blame the theme of the office for the wind we experienced on Sunday.

We finished off the week with phenomenal engagement in our Book Swap event on Friday afternoon. Thank you to unit NF, Nici and their student teacher Jo for the organisation of this event; how beautiful were the wrapping paper and the bookmarks?! Thank you too to all of the students and their families who brought along a book to swap, and who donated a gold coin. Make sure you check the next page of the newsletter to see more information on the swap from Unit NF.

We would also like to thank families who visited classrooms for our Spring afternoon. We saw lots and lots of published writing being shared. Our students are so proud of their work, and we love to share it with anyone who will have a look!