Grade 3/4 News

What a busy couple of weeks it has been in Grade 3/4


We congratulate our Grade 4 students who received the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation on Saturday night. 


The evening at Our Lady’s Church was a special evening with families and loved ones as these students took the next steps in their faith journey. 


Thank you very much to Mrs Boak for all your work preparing the students for their Sacraments. 


Our students had an exciting excursion to Galen Catholic College to watch the Junior production of Aladdin. 


It was wonderful to watch past students of St.Bernard's have roles in the play. 


We had our Grade 3/4 Liturgy in our school Chapel. The liturgy focus was Filled with The Holy Spirit in recognition of Trinity Sunday and our students preparing to receive their Sacraments. 


Please remember that we welcome families to our 3/4 Liturgy.



We thank all families that were able to attend the Celebration of Learning afternoon. 

It was a great opportunity for our students to showcase all the wonderful work they have been doing. 


The Fun Run created a lot of buzz in our classes as we had students who were aiming to make it to Zone Cross Country. 


Congratulations to our students that have qualified. 


We have had lots of fun in mathematics exploring area and perimeter by creating our own theme parks. 


Students are also enjoying learning about different continents as they are beginning a project exploring a country of their choice in Africa.