Visual Arts
Students in 5/6 have been working on the element of tone for the last two weeks.
After completing some quick warm up activities, students used 4B and 6B pencils to firstly shade in a shell using a reference image and secondly to create a tonal landscape.
Students in 3/4 have been viewing and responding to the work of Australian artist Anna Blatman.
Students noted that Blatman uses lots of vertical brushstrokes and circles in her work. She also creates many images of birds and landscapes.
Students used a wide flat brush to create a series of stripes in different colours similar to Blatman and also used oil pastels to begin some ‘circle work’.
Students in 1/2 are in the middle of completing a second collage artwork - this time it’s a hot air balloon.
Students used a cool colour palette to paint a sky background and used their patterning skills to begin decorating the hot air balloon.
Foundation students finished their cat collage last week. Cute!