Principal's message

The  Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus reminds us of God's great love for all people of all times. 


Loving God,

Your son Jesus, taught us how to love others. 

Touch our hearts so that we too can love and care for others. 

We make this prayer through the Sacred Heart of Jesus,

in praise and thanksgiving.




Dear Parents


Friday 7th of June is the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, on this day we  celebrate God's great love for all and we particularly focus our love on those who do  not have what we have.  


We support the St. Vincent de Paul Society  with their Winter Appeal for new blankets and monetary donations towards purchasing blankets. 


In past years St. Bernard's have been extremely generous in donating  to St. Vincent de Paul to help those in Wangaratta who are experiencing a very cold winter. Blankets can be dropped off to the office area and monetary donations for St. Vincent de Paul are welcome at the office also.  


We thank you for spreading Jesus love to all in our community. 


Liturgy is at 12.30 pm in the hall.


All families are welcome to attend and stay and have the Hot Dog lunch with your children. If you wish to order a Hot Dog on the day, could you please put an order in and  pay on your child's Hot Dog order form.




Saturday afternoon saw our Sacramental children receive the gift of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation and received Holy Communion for the first time.  


It was a very special celebration for our children. 


We thank Bishop Shane Father Nathan and our teachers for supporting the children. 


Thank you to those families who have already sent the $25.00 payment into the office and I remind families that payment can be made to the office. 


Thank you. 


Fun Run


Last Friday was a great day  for our annual Fun Run, the children were excited, the spectators vocal, the weather perfect and everyone appeared to have a great day.  We thank Mr. Nolan for his organisation of the event, a day that is anticipated eagerly by the children every year.


We also thank the P&F for organising the greatly appreciated coffee van.  


If you are interested to know more about the P&F  you can contact Renee Saunders via the office.


New Staff Member Daniel Murphy grade three and four. 


We are delighted to inform you that we have employed a new teacher who will be taking over from Jacob Schonafinger who finishes his time with us at the end of the term.


Mr Daniel Murphy joins us after returning from Darwin where he has taught for the past 10 years.  Mr Murphy brings particular expertise in the area of supporting children with diverse needs. Daniel has already had a taste of St. Bernard's when he worked in his class yesterday, a great day was had by all. 


Congratulations Stacey!


Last Week I received an email from James Merlino, Chair, Victorian Catholic Education Authority (VCAA) which said, 


"On behalf of the Victorian Catholic Education Authority (VCEA) Board, I wanted to send my congratulations to Stacey on her graduation as a Teaching Innovation Fellow of the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership."


This is a wonderful tribute to Stacey acknowledging  all  her hard work in completing her Fellowship.  His letter of congratulations to Stacey is attached. 



Enjoy the beautiful weather and have a lovely week.


Patricia Boak