Student Engagement

Student Engagement

We love opportunities to celebrate belonging and House morale through House activities. Just recently all students in their House Groups worked together to create a personalised nickname and logo. These include Supreme Starling, Hyper Hicks, Majestic McMullen and Lucky Lecky Legends. We will continue to encourage connection with our House Groups in similar activities. The next focus is to determine House logo's and a slogan or chant. 


As a way to enhance motivation in our House Point system, we saw the whole school complete a 'Double House Point Day' which meant that any House Points awarded that day would be automatically doubled. In addition to this, we have decided that our current bell music needs a little revamp. Our House Captains have been busy collecting students favourite songs to create a House Playlist. When we announce the winning House for each fortnight at Assembly, not only do they get to pick a reward but for the following fortnight we will play their playlist as the bell music. 


Our SRC have been all over our Zooper Dooper fundraiser-  even as the weather has gotten colder there is still much excitement when Tuesday and Thursday rolls around. These funds will go directly towards the upcoming Grade 3-6 Camp and fund the special night time activities.