Specialist Subjects

P.E Auslan STEAM


A special shout out to the following students for their epic efforts at the District Cross Country. Rachel , Sophie M, Sophie S, Zahra, Macey, Adele, Sarah, Nolene, Hudson, Lachlan, Jacob, Ryder, Logan & Hunter all showed determination and perseverance to complete their respective 2km and 3km distances. We are so proud of you all and feel so lucky that we have you to represent our school at large community events.

It's an absolute bonus that we had 4 students place in the top 10 of their races and as s result Sarah, Jacob, Rachel and Nolene will progress to the Division level on Wednesday 29th March. This is an incredible achievement for our small school and we are so excited to see how they go! 


In P.E classes, our Junior students have begun learning about the Ball Bounce and how to keep control of the ball when dribbling. It's been great to see the more experienced students offer guidance to those who aren't as confident as this has resulted in quality teamwork and peer support.


Our Middle/Senior students have begun playing games of Netball with positions in place. Stepping and Obstruction have been our main rule focuses and ensuring all students have experience in both attacking and defending positions.



Our middle/senior students are applying their 'When' actions to create sentences about dates and days in the year including birthdays or other special events. We have also begun signing about the time and days of the week. This has included signing what time we complete certain tasks at school such as playing outside and eating lunch. 


Our junior students are continuing to focus on 'Who' topics and applying knowledge signing about their families. They have been extending their fingerspelling skills by attempting to spell friends and families names.

We have also begun signing about days of the week, focusing on 'today', 'tomorrow' and 'yesterday' by communicating full sentences. 


STEAM: Science, Technology & The Arts


We have been working on so many exciting projects in STEAM over the past 2 weeks! Our juniors created night and day oil pastel drawings with some students practising using warm and cool colours and patterns. We have started learning about Earth sciences and created water cycle crafts and crystals. 

Our middle and senior students finished their solar system/sun and earth oil pastel drawings and what a fantastic job they did! We have true artists among these cohorts. We are now moving onto designing video games and have just started becoming familiar with the coding program Scratch.