Senior School

5/6 JDZ & 5/6 JD


Reading: Our focus in Reading has continued to focus on a variety of specific skills such as text types and purposes, navigating texts using headings and subheadings, identifying author's purpose and opinions, making links across texts and analysing different viewpoints.

Writing: We have wrapped our work on Persuasive this term and have now returned to Narratives. Students have developed detailed plans, creating story maps and short story brainstorms that will guide their story progression. Students have developed sizzling starts to engage the reader.

Maths: In Maths, we have concluded our work on fractions and measurement. We explored addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions and finding a fraction of a collection or number. In measurement, we explored Mass and Capacity by using the related units appropriately and linking these to real life scenarios.

Humanities: In Economics, students have completed their mini-project around spending and budgeting a weekly wage to accommodate a family of four. They will now complete a reflection before we move on to Business studies for the rest of this term.


Congratulations to all of our students in 5/6 who represented us at the District Cross Country in Week 4! Everyone put in spectacular efforts and should be really proud of themselves. 


A special shout out to Sarah, Nolene and Jacob who have progessed to Division and will represent us this week! Good luck!


Our incredible Victorian State Schools Spectacular crew hit the floor again for our second hub rehearsal at Officer Secondary College on 7th May! 


These superstars have been working so hard, practising at home and giving up recess and lunch times to perfect their dances! It's great to see it all coming together!