Junior School

Prep AA  1/2PB  1/2NP


Hello families! 


We have had a beautiful middle section of term two, students have really started to come out of their shells both socially and confidence wise in the Prep AA room. 



We have continued to explore letter sounds and digraphs, introducing new letter sounds each week and spotting these sounds in text and in our readers. We have been learning to predict and retell a story by collaborating with peers. We have been using drama to create a play on a Friday to recount what has happened in our big book of the week. 


We have been progressing with reading strategies and continue to blend and segment words to help us figure out what they are.  We have been working on initial sounds of words, rhyming words and noticing patterns in the books we are reading. 



We have achieved a massive accomplishment in writing this term, we have created our very own Narrative story, including a title and our own illustrations. It was wonderful to see Prep AA students build a sense of pride for their own accomplishments and to share their creations with their peers. 


We are moving into Persuasive themes in Writing and building knowledge about our own opinions and the opinions of others. We have starting with what animals we prefer, favourite colour and foods we like! 


We are continuing to practise writing sounds that we can hear. Writing on lines and forming our letters properly from top to bottom.  The development we have made in this term is amazing to see and shows just how hard students are working every day at school! 



In numeracy we are focusing on: 

Counting strategies, Real life addition/ simple addition equations and we are moving into partitioning small numbers, 1 and 4 more make 5, and 3 and 2 can also make 5. Before we move to bigger numbers! 

Students have been working hard to recognize patterns in numbers, using hands on materials to help us solve a problem and proper number formation. 



In Humanities, we have been revisiting self-regulation strategies, looking at our zones of regulation and how in our classroom we can settle ourselves to calm again and be ready to learn. 

We have also been exploring Geography themes of the country we are from, what is in our community and how we can best understand Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture in our Prep AA room, we have been enjoying learning about dream time stories and created our very own "Tiddalick" the frogs to decorate our room with. 



For our Mother's Day afternoon tea, the Prep AA team became bakers, and we cooked our mothers Chocolate truffles or rum balls! We ensured we were safe in our room using all of the ingredients, we practiced washing our hands properly and working as a team to create a lovely afternoon tea for the special women in our lives. 


On the 22nd of May we participated in the National Simultaneous Storytime where we got to read Bowerbird Blues altogether and then we made some great water colour and nests artwork.


Overall, we have had an amazing three weeks and we hope you have too! 

-Miss A and Jacqui

1/2 PB and NP. 

It has been another fantastic few weeks in the junior rooms. 

In reading, we are continuing with the investigation of fiction and non-fiction texts. Students have been practicing gathering facts from texts that they have read. We have also been looking at rhyming words.

In writing, we finished up with persuasive writing where students had to decide whether always winter or always summer is better and give reasons why. We have now started moving back into narrative writing which we are very excited about.

In maths, we have continued with our multiplication and division using arrays. We have always continued building to our strategies for solving addition. We finished up with shape, looking at turns, flips and slides. We have also practiced giving directions to move from one location to another. We are now moving into measurement using informal units such as paper clips and popsicle sticks.

On the 10th of May 1/2NP made fairy bread for the Mother’s Day afternoon tea. 1/2PB teamed up with 3/4JS and we decorated cupcakes.

 On the 13th of May we had our Responsible Pet Ownership competition where we got to learn some great skills for interacting with dogs. 


On the 17th of May we had our paper plane competition. Even though it was raining, we still had a great time. On the 22nd of May we participated in the National Simultaneous Storytime where we got to read Bowerbird Blues altogether and then we made some great water colour artwork.

All the best from the team,

Nicole, Phoebe, Jeanette, Carol, Jacqui and Shannon