Principal's Desk

From Mr Mati Azadzoi

*Please ensure you are familiar with Key Dates for Term 2. See Compass for more details.


Dear Parent/Guardian/Carer/Students and Staff,


Congratulations to all our students on receiving their fortnightly G.R.O.W.TH awards. Keep up the fabulous work team. Please find below some updates of items set for this Term. There is lots going on! 


Annual Report to School Community 2023

Please refer to Compass for OPS's Annual Report to School Community for year 2023. This provides a comprehensive summary of school aspects for last year across multiple areas.Please note 2024 (current year) is published next year based on DET process.


Playground 3-Update

You may have recently noticed some temp fencing surrounding one of our back playgrounds. Last week it came to our attention that some water had appeared from underground onto the surface area of playground (3). Following this observation, we acted swiftly and put a MakeSafe report through the Department and notified the Victorian School Building Authority to further diagnose and rectify the issue. Presently this work is in progress. Rest assured the school is safe to be OPEN. Special underground cameras are sourcing the exact cause and testing is underway. Playground 3 is tentatively closed until we can ensure it's safe use again. Further updates to come.


School Saving Bonus-2025

You may have seen the recent announcement of the School Saving Bonus, as part of the Victorian Budget 2024/25.  This one-off support will include $400 for each eligible student to help families cover the costs of school uniforms and activities in 2025. It will be available to parents and carers of every child enrolled in a Victorian government school in 2025.  Cash will not be paid directly to individuals or families. Instead, families will receive the bonus as credits on their school accounts that will help meet the costs of your children’s activities and uniforms.


Educational Support Day-Recognising our great support Staff

On Thursday 16th of June we celebrated the official State 'Education Support' Staff Day. Our ES staff always do a tremendous job assisting our students reach their full potential. We recognise the hard work you provide to make students thrive at OPS. We hope you liked your morning tea. THANK-YOU!


Curriculum Day and Staff Development 

On Curriculum Day our staff attended a full day training to improve their practise and development in the area of assessment design. Ms Prendergast and Mr DeZilva led the sessions with a wonderful application opportunity for staff to apply their learning. Our staff are further confident in making assessments more meaningful for students and closely aligned to the curriculum.


School Wide Positive Behaviour Matrix (coming soon)

Our school is currently drafting our School Wide Positive Behaviour Matrix. 

School-wide positive behaviour support (SWPBS) is a framework that brings together school communities to develop positive, safe, supportive learning cultures.

SWPBS assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for children and young people.

When SWPBS is implemented well, teachers and students have more time to focus on relationships and classroom instruction. Students and staff benefit from:

  • increased respectful and positive behaviour
  • increased time focused on instruction
  • improved social-emotional wellbeing
  • positive and respectful relationships among students and staff
  • increased adoption of evidence-based instructional practices
  • a predictable learning environment with improved perceptions of safety and increased attendance.

Zones of Regulation

At OPS, we are using the Zones of Regulation throughout the school. We teach our students good coping and regulation strategies so they can help themselves when they experience anxiety and stress. In the classroom, sometimes children panic when faced with a tricky learning problem or challenge. By teaching them how to cope with these feelings they are able to tackle learning challenges and build better resilience so they don’t give up easily when faced with difficulty. We have attached some information on Compass about the Zones of Regulation so that you are aware of the language we are using and are able to support any discussions about this at home.

Using the Zones of Regulation as a framework, we aim to help children to: 

• Recognise when they are in the different Zones and learn how to change or stay in the Zone they are in. 

• Increase their emotional vocabulary so they can explain how they are feeling. 

• Recognise when other people are in different Zones, thus developing better empathy. 

• Develop an insight into what might make them move into the different Zones. 

• Understand that emotions, sensory experiences such as lack of sleep or hunger and their environment might influence which Zone they are in. 

• Develop problem-solving skills and resilience


STEAM Paper Plane Competition-Education Week

As part of Education Week our students got the opportunity to engage in a Paper Plane competition. It was lovely to see students apply the design brief elements to create their paper planes. Congratulations to all the winners. We hope you like your gift. Well done to Ms Bodhi to leading this work with the whole school.


Attitudes to School Survey 2024

We value student voice as a means to improving student engagement, wellbeing and quality instruction and are conducting a survey to find out what your child thinks of their school.The AtoSS is an annual student survey offered by the Department of Education to assist schools to gain an understanding of students' perceptions and experience of school. Students will be asked about their thoughts and feelings in relation to their school, their learning, peer relationships, resilience, bullying, health and wellbeing, physical activity, and life in general. This year, the AtoSS will be conducted at our school from 8-31 May 2023.


Progress Reports Term 2

Progress reports for Term 2 are now LIVE. Please access your child's report from the 'reports' section on COMPASS. You will only be able to complete this on a desktop or webpage view from your mobile.


SSG (Student Support Group) Meetings

A reminder to families who have received an invitation for their Student Support Group meeting to book in a time. Please contact with Peachey for more information.


Student Enrichment Coach-Maternity Leave

We would like to send warm wishes to Ms Morris and her family. Ms Morris is expecting her baby soon. We thank Ms Morris for a spectacular job thus far. We are in the process of replacing this position (tentatively). Ms Morris will be missed by staff and students. More information to come. 


Thank you PFA-Food Day

Thank you to our PFA team for leading our Sausage roll and Pie Day. Our students got the opportunity to eat some hot food. Nice work PFA! We appreciate your continous love and care for OPS students.


Camp payments-reminder

A gentle reminder that camp is coming up. If you have not yet settled your balance please do so to allow smooth operations.  Contact the office for more information.


King's Birthday-No School (10 June)


A few reminders from last edition of newsletter....


New Childcare Centre Opening in 2025 (Tivendale Rd, Officer). Next door to Officer Primary School. 

We are excited to share with our school community of a brand new Child Care Service opening from 2025. (Nursery, Toddler and Preschool). For more information see their website and contact Milestones Early Learning Centre. Applications can be accessed from:


Spread the word: School Tours

Please share with your family and friends that school tours are occurring every fortnight during Term 2 at Officer Primary. Thank you to families who have continuously vocalised positively and publicly for our school community.  This has certainly had an impact on recent interest to our school.

See attachment below for times of tours: 


New Enrolment Process

All schools are now using the Department's Digital Enrolment Process called VicSchools. The portal is now OPEN to submit an application for 2025. Please see our school website to gain access to instructions on how to complete this process. If you need technical assistance book in an appointment our our office ladies will assist. Current families will need to use this approach. 


Disability Inclusion Profiles

The Department has shifted it's funding approach for students with a Disability. Our school is transitioning to this new model from Term 2, 2024. Should you feel your child might require funding or consideration, please contact Nicole Peachey for a discussion. Please find attached detailed information including a presentation to follow through. The Disability Inclusion Profiles overall are a functional-based approach to supporting students with a disability instead of a clinical-approach.




The Summit Camp Grade 3-6



Upcoming Events 

Reconciliation Week Assembly

Division Cross Country

Interschool Sport

Winter Lightning Premiership

King's Birthday

SSG meetings

House Colour day

Camp 3-6

Whole school Wellbeing PJ day


June Staff Birthdays:                 


June Student Birthdays: 


3/4 Jake K

5/6 Charli M

5/6 Jeremy S