Around the School

Juniors - Eureka Centre.
A couple of weeks ago our junior students visited the Eureka Centre to learn about the Eureka story and its significance to Ballarat's History.
Our Junior students have been working on becoming experts on either fashion, housing or food - their choice. Here they are presenting their learning and knowledge using their chosen format.
Congratulations to our students who took part in the Greater Western Region cross country last week and to Mia, Kitty, Jackson Kohda, Layla and Lachie who went on to represent our school at the Interschool cross country in Warrnambool this week the conditions were tough and we are very proud of you all.
Grandparents morning
Thank you to the grandparents who helped us celebrate Our Story. Across the school, students listened attentively to hear about the 'olden days' and over 40 stories were shared. I suspect those stories will be reshared in many homes over the next few days.
Students from 34F wrote about the experience.
"Max's mum used to ride pigs and ponies to school." - Austin
"One grandma told us that phones used to only had 6 digits." - Tom
"Zoey's grandpa played 'The Last Post.' " - Joseph
"I learned that instead of normal teachers the kids had nuns!" Evie.
"One of the Grandpas said "When we got a TV, I was only 4 years old and my parents would put the window up and wheel the TV to the window and neighbours came to watch." - Chloe
School Wide Positive Behaviours
This week Zepyhr demonstrated St Patrick's Primary School Values of Respect, Responsibility and Safety by teaching a younger student the skills of cricket. He was inclusive, used kind words and practised carefully and safely.
Thank You Ted for identifying a need in our school and taking the time to write a letter to the BFNL and Western Bulldogs to see if they could be kind enough to donate football goal posts to Drummo. Thanks to Ted, his efforts have resulted in our school being given a
set of Auskick goal posts and several footballs.
Not only were the BFNL and Western Bulldogs impressed by Ted's passion and drive but we are too! Thanks Ted!!
Earlier this week a rose gold bangle that looks much the same as the image shown was lost in the school yard it belongs to a staff member so it is an adult size.
If it has been brought home or found could it please be handed into the office.