Kids Corner

The “Kids’ Corner” section of our school newsletter provides the opportunity for the children to showcase their talents or communicate something special. 


This fortnight, Jamie (Year 2) would like to share a persuasive letter he wrote to me and Ngo Shun and Meshavi share a recount of the text, The Secret Garden. I trust you enjoy reading them just as much as I did. 


Recycling at School by Jamie


Dear Mr Catalano,

I think we should have recycling bins for paper and plastic around our school.

Firstly, there will be less rubbish around our school which shows respect for our environment.

Secondly, we are reducing landfill which will help keep our environment clean and safe.

Lastly, recycling helps keep animals and their habitats safe and healthy, so they can have a good life.

Recycling at school teaches our students how to be sustainable and take care of our environment. 

The Secrect Garden by Ngo Shun


Mary stared at the key for a second before coming across a lofty gravel gate door filled with vines creeping out, Mary gradually kneeled on the muddy cement ground and slowly stabbed the gold ancient key into the engraved keyhole…

Mary peered through the door, and there it was.….. the Secret Garden, the plot was filled with vibrant and pastel flowers aligned against the grey brick wall Mary spotted a gorgeously glistening water fountain filled with lilypads and floral petals then something special caught Mary’s eye, a broken swing on the ground under a beautiful blossom tree. Mary felt lost and she was filled with questions, she wondered why Mr Crave would hide this garden and why was it a secret…


The Secrect Garden by Meshavi


Behind the long ivy there seemed to be a door and it had a key hole. The hole was shaped awkwardly; only a unique key to fit in. Then Mary curiously grabbed the key out of her pocket and turn the key into the wall CLICK! The lofty, weathered wall crept opened slowly. Then she covered her mouth in shock.She thought to herself why was this beautiful garden kept closed for so long…

The garden was filled with flamboyant flowers and butterflys twirling around flapping their delicate wings. There was a pond which glimmered in the light that shined from above. On top of the pond there were ruby dragon flies spinning around in circles. The robins were humming away there melodic tune and the bees’ were buzzing. 

The garden was full of magical nature!