
By Yash and Sohan


This term in Inquiry, our class 5B have been deepening our understanding of the Year Five Inquiry question: How can we contribute to the thriving of native flora and fauna? We have been exploring different types of native species. One way we have achieved this is by creating posters and quizzes to help us learn about and review the endangered and thriving native flora and fauna in our local area. We are also planning a trip to the Royal Botanical Gardens and have already gone on an excursion to Hinkler Nature Reserve.


One of the first methods we used to deepen our knowledge about flora and fauna was discovering the many different types of plants in our school area. Using the data we collected, we learned how different types of vegetation live in harmony and the many non-native species of plants that were introduced to Australia that ultimately disrupt this harmony. Next, we looked at initiatives and planned our own. We made an infographic with the following topics:


- Protect or create habitat

- Keep wildlife wild

- Let wildlife feed themselves

- Share the road with wildlife

- Responsible pet ownership

- Help wildlife at risk


We included fun facts, ways to help, statistics, data, and why these actions are important in our posters.


As a fun project to learn about plants, we looked at a map of Melbourne with abundant information about the city's trees. The most interesting part of the website was that it gave every tree its own profile. You could view the tree’s age, its species, and even email the tree! It was designed to report any damaged trees, but many people used it to write kind letters to the trees. Using this website, we researched various facts about trees, such as:


- What are the four age categories of trees in Melbourne?

- What happens when trees get old?

- What is the most common type of tree found in Melbourne?

- What is a tree canopy and why is it important?

- How do revegetation projects contribute to the thriving of flora and fauna in urban areas?

- How does restoring habitat promote biodiversity and ecosystem health?


To improve our understanding of initiatives supporting flora and fauna, we watched a video about Gio Fitzpatrick, a person who helps prevent extinction in Melbourne. He implemented bird boxes, initiatives to help fauna survive, and persuaded the government to make the only remaining natural area of Elwood Creek into a nature reserve. With this knowledge, we deepened our understanding of ways to create a sustainable future.


We also watched a video about road bridges that go over highways, connecting wildlife and greenery on either side. This is an important initiative for the environment and for us to take the next steps toward a better, sustainable world. Future generations should grow up in an eco-friendly world.


Our first excursion on this topic was a nature walk to Hinkler Reserve. During the excursion, we looked for different species of native flora and fauna (mostly small birds and commonly grown Australian flowering trees). At our destination, we answered questions about the plants of Hinkler Reserve, such as, 'What impacts the environment of the reserve?' This knowledge helped us delve deeper into later topics.


Finally, we asked a few people what they enjoyed about the subject, and their responses are below:


- Ronald, 5B: “My favorite part of the Inquiry subject was seeing other people’s work and collaborating with my peers.”
- Vaani, 5B: “My favorite part of the Inquiry subject was expressing our love for nature.”
- Sophie, 5B: “My favorite part of the Inquiry subject was seeing the beauty of nature.”
- Eliana, 5B: “My favorite part of the Inquiry subject was going to Hinkler Reserve and seeing the live beauty of the native flora and fauna.”
- Shayan, 5B: “My favorite part of the Inquiry subject was learning more about native flora and fauna and conducting research.”


In conclusion, we have had a lot of fun collaborating with each other while learning about native flora and fauna. We went on an excursion and are going to the Royal Botanical Gardens soon!  Thank you for reading, and have a spectacular day!


Written by Yash and Sohan from 5B