Dates to Remember

 TERM 2  
 Week 7  
 Mon May 27Whole School prayer 8:50-9:00am Community Centre  All welcome  
 Mon May 27Reconciliation Week 
 Fri May 31Prader-Willi Awareness Day /wear a touch of orange/gold coin donation 
 Fri May 31Interschool Sport 
 Fri May 31Whole School assembly 2:50pm Community Centre - All welcome 
 Sat June 1OLHC Trivia Night - Aussie Icons, 7 pm 
 Week 8  
 Mon June 3Whole School prayer 8:50-9:00am Community Centre  All welcome  
 Fri June 7Interschool Sport 
 Week 9  
 Mon June 10Kings Birthday Holiday 
 Fri June 14PFOL Meeting 8:50am OLHC School 
 Fri June 14Circus Incursion for Year 2 
 Fri June 14Interschool Sport 
 Fri June 14Whole School assembly 2:50pm Community Centre - All welcome 
 Week 10  
 Mon June 17Whole School prayer 8:50-9:00am Community Centre - All welcome  
 Fri June 21ISS catchup 
 Sat June 22OLHC Student  Movie Night 6pm 
 Week 11  
 Wed June 26 Parent Teacher Conferences 
 Fri June 28End of Term 1pm Finish 
 Term 2Monday 15 April – Friday 28 June 
 Term 3Monday 15 July – Friday 20 Sept 
 Term 4Monday 7 Oct – Friday 20 Dec