Year 3 Newsletter
This week in:
The students completed a Cold Write which was a persuasive. Students were encouraged to showcase their writing skills and write a persuasive text explaining why they deserved a birthday party.
In our Science of Reading lessons and Literacy Rotations, we have continued looking at tense suffixes (ed and ing) and how to add them to words with the 1.1.1 rule and ‘drop the sfe’. We have revised our knowledge of open and closed syllable types, and introduced a new one; magic e syllables. Our current comprehension focus is finding information in non-fiction texts. We’ve also continued with our daily word work that has students investigating syllables, graphemes, morphemes and affixes of our ‘word of the week’ and then tying this all together in our Friday morning dictation.
This week we have begun subtraction. We have been looking at subtraction strategies and learned a new game; Reverse Greedy Pig! You may like to ask your child to explain and play a few rounds over the weekend. It will be incredibly helpful if we can get the kids using efficient mental strategies as we move into the rest of our addition and subtraction unit.
Below are some examples of the language and strategies we will be using in class, to support with subtraction at home.
Counting back (up to 3 only)
Halves (double 6 is 3, so 6+3 is 3)
Open number lines (adding a number in smaller parts)
Commutativity/fact family knowledge (4+9=13, so 13-9=4) This one is particularly important as it allows students to utilise addition strategies to support subtraction problems!
Concrete materials (buliding it with counters and MAB)
This week we learned about Friendship Fact 3: Trust and respect are the most important qualities of a friendship.
Important Information
We are asking for a minimum of 80 minutes of reading a week at home. This needs to be logged into their diaries each night.
We ask that you please write the total time read throughout the week, and sign your child’s diary on a Thursday night to confirm they have kept up with their reading. If your child does not meet the required 80 minutes, they will be given the opportunity to catch up during the first part of Friday Fun.
We will also be setting 3 Tasks on Mathletics for the students to complete throughout the week. These will become available Friday afternoons and will be explicitly linked to our focus in class.
What’s coming up:
- Athletics Day: Tuesday the 28th of May
- Kings Birthday Public Holiday: Monday the 10th of June
Have a wonderful weekend,