




F1MMandyEli DDo Your BestFor your amazing effort and focus in Numeracy this week. I loved watching you persist, challenge yourself and succeed. Your growth this year has been amazing!
2NWNatalie and JacintaAlfie Wi


Do your best

Alfie, your effort and determination with your column addition was incredible! Well done Alfie for your hard work and excitement for learning!
34KKylieThomas PersistenceThomas I have noticed that you have been showing increased perseverance with our work tasks and activities and have been able to share and offer so much insight and knowledge in our Reading and Writing lessons. Keep up this fantastic effort!
56SSonyaAylaPersistenceFor your positive attitude towards some of the challenging aspects of fractions we have covered. Your persistence is paying off as you're becoming more comfortable with the tasks. Keep it up!
56DDanielLeo TDo Your BestFor accepting and taking on challenging tasks in maths (fractions) with enthusiasm. It’s incredible what you are capable of completing when you are focused and persistent. Well done!  
AuslanAmyMatthew 34BDo Your BestMatthew practised and improved his time to Fingerspell the alphabet. He went from 2:08 minutes to an incredible 45 seconds!! 
PEKateHeidi 56SDo Your Best Wow, your intercepting and reading of the play in PE was amazing. You gave your best effort for the whole lesson and were wonderfully supportive of your team mates. Keep up the great work. 
Visual ArtsKate Sasha 56DHelp others succeedYou were a wonderful help in Art last week, supporting your buddy to get their project started. Thank you for being such a caring helper.