Principal's News   

Principal’s News


Dear Families,


Last Sunday we celebrated Pentecost Sunday and I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the significance of this holy day in the Christian calendar.

Pentecost, often referred to as the birthday of the Church, commemorates the day when the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ, empowering them to spread the message of love, peace, and redemption to all corners of the world. It marks the culmination of the Easter season and the beginning of the Church's mission to proclaim the Gospel to all nations.


Last Sunday, we were reminded of the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Just as the apostles were emboldened to share the good news of salvation, we too are called to be witnesses to the love and grace of God in our communities. Pentecost challenges us to embrace diversity, foster unity, and strive for justice and reconciliation in a world often plagued by division and discord.


As a school community, let us use this occasion to renew our commitment to living out the values of compassion, empathy, and service to others. Let us seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all that we do, both inside and outside the classroom, so that we may be instruments of peace and agents of positive change in the world.


National Reconciliation Week

As we approach National Reconciliation Week (NRW), it is with a sense of urgency and hope that we reflect on this year's theme: "Now More Than Ever."

This theme resonates deeply in our current societal landscape, where the need for understanding, empathy, and unity has never been more critical. National Reconciliation Week invites us to acknowledge the historical injustices faced by Australia's First Nations peoples and to actively work towards a future of reconciliation, equality, and mutual respect.


"Now More Than Ever" challenges us to recognise that reconciliation is not a destination but an ongoing journey—a journey that requires commitment, dialogue, and action from all members of our community. It reminds us that the work of reconciliation is not confined to a single week or event but must be embedded into the fabric of our daily lives.


This NRW, let us pause to acknowledge the resilience, culture, and contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Let us reflect on the shared histories of our nation and the importance of truth-telling in the reconciliation process. Let us also recognise the strength and wisdom of Indigenous voices in shaping a more inclusive and just society.


As a school community, we are committed to fostering an environment of respect, understanding, and reconciliation. We strive to embed Indigenous perspectives into our curriculum, celebrate Indigenous culture and achievements, and engage in meaningful conversations about reconciliation with our students.


During National Reconciliation Week and beyond, I encourage each of us to take meaningful steps toward reconciliation in our personal and professional lives. Whether it's through educating ourselves about Indigenous history and culture, supporting Indigenous-led initiatives, or advocating for Indigenous rights and recognition, every action, no matter how small, contributes to the collective journey toward reconciliation.


"Now More Than Ever," let us stand in solidarity with our Indigenous brothers and sisters and reaffirm our commitment to building a more just, equitable, and reconciled Australia.



Champions of our School

Last week we had a visit from one of our students who will join the St Joseph’s family in Prep in 2025. As he entered the Prep classroom he was greeted by Brooklyn L and Jaxsen C who are currently in Prep.


They gave the signature St Joseph's welcome with a warm smile and a friendly hello. They gave a tour of the classroom, showed where they placed their bags, and excitedly talked about all the things they love about their school. Brooklyn and Jaxsen finished the school tour with a flourish as they both exclaimed we can’t wait to see you next year! Well done Brooklyn and Jaxsen on making Greyson feel so welcome to our school!


Harry S for the honesty and integrity he displayed by handing in money he found on the school playground to the office. 


Chris K (Dad of Oliver in Year 1) for making the day of many St Joseph's children by retrieving all the balls off the roof. Playtime today was sensational with lots of equipment once again to keep everyone active and healthy. 


Dulan (Dad of Nicholas in Year 1) for fixing our front fence and keeping everyone safe at St Joseph’s.


Seb and Fabien for sharing their special musical talents with the community as they performed in their inaugural concert with the Stonnington Brass Band.



Athletics Carnival

Our preparations for our whole school Athletics Carnival to be held on Thursday 6 June have begun in earnest. Thanks to Liam Gava and Christie Birch who are working hard to bring this wonderful community event together. Thank you to all the parents who have offered their help on the day. The success of the day relies on community support and we are very grateful to our parents who have so generously offered to help. Any offer of help is greatly appreciated. 


Staffing News

As you are aware Kirsten Daws is expecting her first child in the coming months. Kirsten’s last day with her class will be Friday 7 June. I am delighted to inform the community that Kirsten’s maternity leave replacement will be Edel Cleere. Edel is currently the STEM and Performing Arts teacher at St Joseph's so is well known to the children. Edel also has experience as a classroom teacher having taught in Year 6 last year. I am sure you will join me in wishing Kirsten every best wish as she prepares for this exciting time in her life and in offering congratulations to Edel as she prepares for the privileged role of teaching the wonderful class of 3D in a full-time capacity. 


We welcome to our community Fiona Hansford as the new STEM teacher. Fiona has experience teaching in both Melbourne schools and in England. We are confident Fiona will be a great fit for our school. In her interview, it was clear how much she loved being a teacher and the importance she placed on building a safe and secure learning environment for the children in her care.


Assembly Schedule

Please find below an updated assembly schedule for the remainder of Term 2

Week 7 - Friday 31 May - Reconciliation Week (Hosted by SRC)

Week 8 - Friday 7 June - General Assembly

Week 9 - Friday 14 June - Year 1C

Week 10 - Friday 21 June - Pyjama Day - St Vincent de Paul Presentation

Week 11 - Friday 28 June - Friendship Fair Day - Instrumental Presentation


Footy Card Friday

To support the students with the trading of footy cards we will have Footy Card Friday each Friday at lunchtime in Quiet Club. This will be supervised by a teacher to ensure a positive experience for the children. We would encourage students to keep their cards at home on other days of the week to ensure the safety of their collection. 


Have a great weekend


Cathy Mason

(Acting Principal)