Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1
- Arnav- for pointing on the whiteboard when choosing songs for morning circle.
- Phoebe- for transitioning from the bus to the classroom.
Room 2
- Rameen for using her communication device to request colours and animals in a matching activity
- Pranav for using visuals to request colours in his matching activities.
Room 3
- Liam for copying the teacher to make letter sounds.
- Jeremy for using magnetic letters to create words.
Room 4
- Tyneil for amazing listening and following instructions
Room 5
- Scarlett for following instructions when on our excursion to Science Works
- River for having fun and listening well at Science Works.
Room 6
- Albert for doing good sitting at morning circle.
Room 7
- Kiaan has demonstrated enthusiasm towards all learning tasks and continues to be a kind and considerate classmate.
- Mohammad demonstrated such bravery and resilience during swimming week and continues to show wonderful listening skills.
Room 8
- Aras for demonstrating persistence in difficult tasks
- Connor for demonstrating increased independence in routine tasks
Room 9
- Oliver for his improvement in his phonics and blending skills
- Ivy for her increasing independence with her work tasks