Primary Sub-School News

Michelle Davies - Primary Sub School Leader



Hello everyone,


As we draw closer to the end of Term 2, I wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate all of the wonderful work that students and staff have participated in thus far, especially those students who have accessed Canine Comprehension.  Please do regularly check in with your child's Seesaw account to receive updates regarding your child's school day and the amazing learning that takes place.



Stay well this Winter

With the cooler weather upon us, we are starting to see an increase in numbers of children becoming unwell with sniffles, cough, and sore throat.  We continue to support students regarding good hygiene, covering their mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing with a tissue and washing hands regularly with soap and water or using sanitiser.  If your child needs to stay at home due to being unwell, please inform the absence line.  Thank you for your continued support; let’s work together to stay safe and healthy.


Kinder Gym

I was very excited to join Rooms 3 and 6 at Kinder Gym this week.  Kinder Gym classes are designed to develop the whole child — socially, emotionally, cognitively, and physically.  It is a wonderful opportunity for students to experience activities which develop their gross and fine motor skills and rhythm. 


I hope you have a fantastic week!  Please do get in touch if you have any questions.




Room 8

The Room 8 students were asked how they feel about school and using the core vocabulary board and talking mats, this is what they had to say:


My favourite thing to do at school is play with my friends in the playground - Scarlett

I like doing Fast Phonics – Mason

School makes me happy – Aras

Eating my favourite foods at lunchtime with my friends is the best – Lenny

At school I feel happy and excited because I play with my friends – Serra

My favourite lessons are when we do Jolly Phonics and learn the sounds of the alphabet – Saven

I like doing Art – Ashwath

I like being a Student Leader because I can give out PBS tickets when I see students making good choices in the playground – Scarlett

I enjoy cooking in the Kids Kitchen because I can eat the yummy food that we make – Saven

I like school – Connor

I love dancing and practicing for our concert – Serra