School News and Information
Stage 2 News
Stage 2 have had an excellent start to Term 2! The Bilbies and the Wombats have enjoyed their English unit on Wandi. We have created audio recordings about wildlife sanctuaries, and learnt about conservation. We have begun working on body percussion in Dance, and are learning about celebrations and commemorations in History.
Stage 2 enjoyed an excursion to Thalgarrah in Week 1. We learnt about the traditional Aboriginal way of life that the Anaiwan people may have experienced in the Armidale area. It is always a wonderful day out at Thalgarrah!
In Maths, we have been learning to navigate a range of maps using landmarks, compass directions, directional language and grid references. Last week, we created 3D maps of Taronga Zoo and wrote directions for visitors to make their way around the animal exhibits. Check out our amazing creations!
Have a great week Martin’s Gully!
Miss Landow & Miss Randall
Our Term 2, Week 3 You Can Do It Champions!
Kindergarten Koalas
Jack received his You Can Do It award for connecting with others to make new friends.
Stage 1 Magpies
Leah received her You Can Do It award for always showing great teamwork skills in dance lessons.
Stage 1 Possums
Amelia received her You Can Do It award for showing kindness and support to her peers.
3/4 Bilbies
Addie received her You Can Do It award for always showing strong character – she respects others, works hard, and always does what she thinks is right.
3/4 Wombats
Madi received her You Can Do It award for using her voice to stand up for herself and others.
5/6 Emus
Sophie received her You Can Do It award for having courage and trying new things with a positive attitude. Great debating skills!
Will received his You Can Do It award for always having courage in class to share his ideas and thoughts during class discussions.
5/6 Dingoes
Lia received her You Can Do It award for being the very definition of attentive: focused, prepared, and switched on and ready to learn.
Congratulations Merit Award Winners!