Year 10 Feature

Year 10 students have embraced Senior school excellently, navigating through all the activities during the last term and this term. The ‘Back off Seminar” enlightened students on the importance of being familiar with strategies to handle potential situations in the future. At the start of the term students were introduced to Assessment Procedures followed at Senior school. The ‘study booklet’ provided enabled students to organise their study plan for the upcoming exams in Week 5. The ‘Careers Market day’ in Week 4 opened up opportunities for discussion regarding study pathways and has set Year 10 students thinking about their study options beyond Year 10. The “Subject Selection workbook’ has been provided to all students by Mr MacNamara our Pathways Coach. The Subject Selection Information evening in Week 6 at the College will be a great opportunity for parents and students to become familiar with the HSC process and the variety of options available to students in their Stage 6 learning. The ‘Reflection Day’ in Week 5 allowed them to develop their religious dimension, to appreciate the gift and talents they possess and the power they have to change situations through the College House initiatives.
Celebrating the values of Faith, Courage, Tolerance, Justice and Dignity, the Multicultural Day in Week 4 was a great showcase of diversity and talent with students engaging in activities in their Homerooms and celebrating the cultural diversity at the College.
As Year 10 students are preparing for their Assessments and engaging in the Subject Selection process, the Wellbeing Team along with the Leadership Team is working to support your daughters in all possible ways to ensure the best learning outcomes are achieved at Senior School.
Mrs Mary Roche
Leader of Learning Year 10