From the Principal Leader

I would like to firstly take this opportunity to thank Ms Debbie White for her work in replacing me during my recent leave. Debbie remained in close contact with me throughout my leave, ensuring that we were able to stay on track with our culture of high expectations as a college community. I am very grateful of the strong and capable leadership that we have at Chisholm, and in the event that a leadership team member is absent, other members of the team can assume the role very readily. In this instance, Ms White led the college with a high degree of professionalism, dedication and commitment supporting students, staff and parents alike. As well as this, I would like to equally acknowledge the work of Mrs Natalie Vella who assumed the role of Acting Assistant Principal (Years 7, 9, 11) working in close collaboration and partnership with Mrs Julie Petrovski Assistant Principal (Years 8, 10, 12). I hope that you have also felt well supported during this period of time knowing that we are all invested in your daughter’s learning, faith formation and wellbeing.
At Chisholm we are committed to continuing to strengthen our learning culture making it a place where the girls learn to work together through collaborating, communicating and applying critical thinking in their learning and assessment every day. I have been very impressed with our Year 7 students who have demonstrated great personal growth as independent learners who can apply themselves well to tasks, knowing when to seek help and aiming high to challenge themselves to grow in their knowledge and skills. Keep up the wonderful work striving to exceed expectations.
Our Year 10 students have started their semester one exams this week and have shown great effort, maturity and commitment to their senior learning. I have been most impressed with the preparation they have demonstrated and their settled approach to exam week! Keep giving your best effort at all times so you can set high aspirations for yourself for Year 11 and 12 and your post school career goals.
CCC 50th Anniversary Celebration Day
On Saturday 18th May we held our 50th Celebration Day here at the college with a large number of our Chisholm Alumni (staff and students) in attendance. The college is very proud of the strong tradition of 50 years of learning and faith formation with a significant number of students and staff from the 1974-1977 pioneer years present on the day experiencing the fun of catching up with school friends from the past, viewing memorabilia and talking photos with friends on our contemporary media wall. High accolades to our students who performed, assisted or acted as tour guides on the day who showed great positivity and pride for their college to our Alumni visitors.
Of course, the work in organising and preparing for an event such as this doesn't just happen. It is the collective work of staff and students who made the event possible and I would like to acknowledge this tremendous collective effort. It has taken the entire community working solidly for the 50th Celebration Day to be the successful and life giving event that it was. Without your support, dedication and commitment, the 50th celebration would not have been the wonderful success that it truly was! A heartfelt thank you to each one of you, our treasured Chisholm staff, students and parents for your substantive contributions, support, encouragement and efforts that are greatly appreciated and valued.
We have some commemorative items from the day which we are selling for the reminder of 2024 celebrating 50 years of Chisholm.
50th Anniversary Memorabilia
Students and families who were unable to attend the 50th celebrations, there is opportunity to purchase 50th Anniversary Memorabilia items via QKR as a memento of this significant occasion in the College's history.
May God bless you and keep you safe in his care.
Mrs Tania Cairns
Principal Leader