Student Voice

Year 2 excursion to Bundoora Park

The Year 2 students recently enjoyed an enriching excursion to Bundoora Park, where they eagerly learned about life in the olden days. They had the unique experience of participating in old-fashioned chores, learning about how a traditional printing press is used, and experiencing firsthand what a classroom looked like many years ago. 

The children were very happy that our classrooms are much different today! Additionally, the students explored the Indigenous connection to the land, gaining a deeper appreciation for Australia's rich cultural heritage. Throughout the excursion, the students were exceptionally well-behaved, engaged, and respectful, making the day a memorable and educational adventure for all.

Year 5s Narrative Writing - ‘Mr Chicken Books’

Year 5s have spent the last few weeks in their narrative writing unit  creating their own ‘Mr Chicken Books’. 5L visited 1L last Friday and read their beatufiul books to the younger students. It was a magical experience, enjoyed by all.


3J’s Reconciliation week and Sorry Day brainstorm.

3J’s Reconciliation week and Sorry Day brainstorms, representing out thoughts, wonderings, conversations and learnings about National Reconciliation Week. 


Dion Drummond Performance


Years 4-6 Drawing Club

Today Wednesday 29th May we were joined by many more drawing enthusiasts.  

Students asked ‘Are we doing this every Wednesday?’ The answer is ‘YES’. 

We love Drawing Club!


House Captain Award

Competition Foundation to Year 2

Competition Year 3 to Year 6