Staff Spotlight

Joy of Personal Training and Pilates

A benefit of being a staff member at DSC is the access to weekly Personal Training and Pilates classes. Chinese Mandarin and Food Technology teacher, Ning Zhang, shares her experiences below. 



My journey with the Personal Training (PT) and Pilates clubs has been nothing short of transformative. Now in my third term with the PT club and second term with the Pilates club, I look forward to going to class with my colleagues every Tuesday and Thursday.


These clubs have been at the school for over a decade. Despite my five years here, I never considered joining until last year, mainly because I thought my swimming routine was enough. However, my colleagues encouraged me to join, and to my surprise, I fell in love with it from the first class! 


Joining these clubs has opened a new world for me, leading me toward lifelong goals of strength and flexibility training. The PT club introduced me to the gym for the first time, where I learned to use various fitness equipment. The initial 10-minute runs were challenging, but they were crucial in building my endurance. I even discovered a passion for boxing. I used to think that gym was a boring place but this prejudice has been broken! Now, in addition to doing PT at school every Thursday, I also go to the gym near my home to exercise once a week. I thank PT Club for leading me into the gym.


(Click on the image above)


With the same instructor for both clubs, my love for PT naturally extended to Pilates. Despite teaching the whole day on Tuesdays, I didn't expect to have the energy to exercise after work. However, Pilates is recharging, and after each 45-minute class, I always feel refreshed and happy.

(Click on the image above)


But do you know what is really surprising? I believe that Pilates has helped me swim! I have been taking swimming lessons for over a year however my progress in butterfly stroke was slow, and I often felt tired after swimming 25 meters. I doubted my coordination and ability to master it. But two weeks ago, something clicked. During practice, my muscles naturally guided my movements, allowing me to swim 50 meters effortlessly. It felt like a dream, as if I was a butterfly spreading its wings. I was overjoyed and swam another 50 meters just to confirm it. Now, I know I won’t forget how to swim this way, and Pilates played a significant role in this breakthrough.


I am grateful for the opportunity to join both clubs. Through the instructors' guidance, I have become a better version of myself. The training has also given me to courage to sign up for the Push-Up Challenge this year! Some teachers have been part of these clubs for ten years, remaining active and energetic. Their dedication inspires me, and I hope to be like them in ten years. Joining the PT and Pilates clubs has been one of the best decisions I’ve made.  


- Ning Zhang, DSC Teacher