Student Leadership

SRC Term Report


Earlier this term, our School Captains as well as many of our SRC members and student body participated in the Doncaster RSL Dawn Service as well as our own service here at DSC. From reciting poems to MCing the services, our student leaders were very eager to be a part of such a significant day.


A highlight would be that we had the opportunity to host an interview with David Westwood, a veteran from World War 2. We were able to share in his wisdom and gain deeper insight on the experiences of a veteran in war.


Push-Up Challenge

With over 40,000 push-ups completed and $1,721 raised for Lifeline, DSC has led a strong campaign in the Push-Up Challenge, which aims to raise awareness for suicides in Australia. The specific number of 3249 push-ups to be completed is intentional, as it represents the number of suicides which occurred in Australia in 2022, an increase from 2144 in 2021. We hope that many more students will participate in the challenge in the future and are aware of its significance.


Looking forward to the Talent Show!!!

The SRC is organising a talent show with your teachers! Yesss! We anticipate that this will happen in Week 3 of Term 3 so come to the Performance Centre to watch your teachers and their hidden talents. More info to follow next term, so keep an eye out for that!!!! 


- Chloe L. Year 12, on behalf of the SRC team


End of the DSC Push-Up Challenge

The Push-Up Challenge is a suicide awareness-raising event where from the 5 - 28 June, 3249 push ups are completed in total (an average of 141/day).


Today, the 28th of June, marks the end of the Push-Up challenge with 219 push-ups until the finish line of 3249!


Congratulations to the 23 participants (including students, teachers, and even Principal) of 2024’s DSC Push-Up Challenge as well as a huge thank you to all those who donated and cheered us on!!! 



Harrison & Patrick have pushed DSC for better
Harrison & Patrick have pushed DSC for better


As of Thursday night, 27th of June, DSC has:

  • Completed 41,418 push-ups.
  • Raised $1,721 for Lifeline, a 24/7 suicide hotline and chat service.


And nationwide:

  • 283 million push-ups have been completed so far.
  • $11 million raised for: Headspace, who provide mental health services for youths; Lifeline; and the Push for Better foundation, who organised the Push-Up Challenge and specialises in mental health education.


While the end of the challenge is insight, it’s crucial to remember the purpose behind the Push-Up Challenge: To be able to have open conversations about mental health and suicide.


If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide:

  • Be sure to talk to a friend, family member, or your school advocate if you are unsure or distressed on the topic.
  • If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, you can call Lifeline on 13 11 14 (available 24/7), text 0477 13 11 14, or use their website for a chat conversation

Students, don't forget that you can also contact a member of the school wellbeing team:


- Harrison Parker, DSC Push-Up Challenge ambassador