Physical Education

2024 Extra Curricular Sport Calendar:

Term 2:

  • 31 May, 2024 – Division Netball (Grade 5/6)
  • 19 June, 2024 – Regional Soccer (qualifying students)
  • 21 June, 2024 – Regional Netball (qualifying students)
  • 26 June, 2024 – Regional AFL (qualifying students)

Term 3:

  • 2 August, 2024 – Division Lawn Bowls (Grade 5/6)
  • 9 August, 2024 – Division Basketball (Grade 5/6)
  • 10 September, 2024 – Division Athletics (qualifying students)

Term 4:

  • 11 October, 2024 – Regional Athletics (qualifying students)
  • 18 October, 2024 – P-2 Sports Day
  • 29 October, 2024 – Division Cricket (Grade 5/6)
  • 31 October, 2024 – Regional Basketball (qualifying students)
  • 13 November, 2024 – Regional Cricket (qualifying students)

Regional Cross Country:

Congratulations to Jake, Lenny, Xavier and Billy who ran in Warrnambool on Monday at the Regional Cross Country competition.  With all families making the four hour round trip to support our runners, the weather did much the same.  The course this year was dry which allowed for some very fast times (and clean clothes). All runners did an outstanding job, some of them getting a P.B.


A special congratulations to Lenny and Xavier who have made it through to States in July!

Division Soccer:

Congratulations to our two soccer teams who took part in the Division competition last Thursday!  The teams took to the pitch with much enthusiasm and gusto.  For many players, this was their first taste of the game and everyone represented Buninyong Primary School wonderfully.


A big thank you to our coaches, Mr G and Ms B.  A special shout out to Zoe who gave her time to support our groups.  Thank you also to the numerous other parents who came along to support, cheer, guide and feed the students.  Your thoughtfulness and generosity is very much appreciated!

Division Netball:

Wishing our three netball teams all the best in their Division competition on Friday.  We look forward to hearing how you all go.  Thank you to Mr O and Ms Sullivan for helping our teams on the day.


A huge congratulations to our Athletics age group champions & record breakers as pictured below. You should all be extremely proud of your efforts. Well done! 

P.E. Shoes Reminder:

A reminder that students need to bring clean, dry running shoes to P.E. each session.  This is to ensure the safety of the students as well as the condition of the gym.  Please bring them to school in your bags and carry them to P.E. where we will change into them.  Thank you.