Level 3


Level 3

The countdown for camp is on! There are lots of excited children in Level 3 getting ready for camp. We had a camp meeting this week to talk about all things camp - the activities, the facilities, what they need to bring, how early they can wake up, etc. 

The students will need to arrive at school on time on Wednesday 30th with their luggage, a labelled drink bottle and their lunch and morning tea in labelled bags. Hopefully the weather will be just as lovely next week as it has been this week!


As part of our Inquiry unit we are designing rides for our class theme parks that incorporate movement using a type of force. Thank you to everyone who has sent in recyclable material for us to use to create models of our rides. We will have an expo in the last week of term to show off our creations.

As part of this unit we will be creating posters advertising our theme parks, writing scripts for a TV ad, analysing persuasive advertising and learning all about persuasive techniques. This week we have been analysing different persuasive devices and how creators use music, lighting and camera angles to persuade the audience.


In Maths, the Level 3 students have been learning all about fractions and how we use them in the real world. The students have been enjoying solving lots of problems using their understanding of fractions and division. There were lots of enthusiastic mathematicians during our recent ‘Smarties Fractions’ activity. All of the students are doing an excellent job of learning their times table challenges and there has been a lot of growth made with their maths fluency.


Level 3 Reminders: 

Book Bag Presentations continue until the end of the term.

Week 10 - Inquiry Expo (Date to be confirmed but most likely the last Wednesday)