Level 2

Level 2

We have had an amazing 2 weeks in Level 2. The students have been working so hard to develop their skills across all subject areas. They have been engaged in inferring, summarising and reviewing their favourite books for reading, and we have moved into narratives in Writing. Students have explored estimating, and the measuring of mass, volume and capacity in Numeracy. Students have continued to investigate light and sound for Inquiry and were so excited to conduct light and sound experiments with their grandparents/special friends last Friday. All the Level 2 students have shown great work ethic and resilience in all areas of learning.




Over the past two weeks, students have been enjoying learning the concepts needed for a narrative story. They particularly enjoyed up-levelling simple sentences into exciting, interesting and engaging sentences. Students have also looked at planning their own narrative, using character descriptions, setting descriptions and bold beginnings.


During reading lessons, we have enjoyed looking at reviewing our favourite books, summarising stories, making inferences and looking for conjunctions within our books. The students gave their books a star rating out of 5. They used their schema to infer what is happening in their stories, taking what they know, and using clues from the author. We have looked for conjunctions within our texts. Conjunctions join two clauses in a sentence, using words such as: ‘or,’ ‘and,’ ‘because.’


Over the past two weeks, Level 2 has been exploring volume and capacity. They have been looking at how many objects they can fit into different size containers. The students have enjoyed working through estimating the number of objects in a container. Using these skills, they have created their own clues to create their own estimation power points for their peers to enjoy estimating how many objects are in the container. 


During Inquiry this term the students have enjoyed learning about sound. They have discovered that sound moves through sound waves, they have learned that sound waves that are close together produce a low-pitched sound, whereas sound waves that are far apart produce a high-pitched sound. 


Connections and Friendology:

In 2DW we have had an international student, Karen, join us for the past 6 weeks. It has been great to see the class welcome her. It will be sad to see her head home this Friday as we have loved having Karen in our class. We have been learning how to kindly say, ‘no because’ in Friendology. 2DW has looked at the difference between a friendship fire and being mean on purpose and what we can do in both of these situations. The students have taken on the Friendology language and are doing a fantastic job working out friendship fires.



Inquiry: Sound and Light

Reading: Inferring, critiquing, making connections, and summarising  

Writing: Narratives

Spelling/Grammar: Silent ‘h’ and silent ‘c’

Handwriting: Ss and Revision

Maths: Collecting and interpreting data, Fractions.



  • Monday 28 August: Crazy Sock Day
  • Tuesday 29 August: Fathers Day Stall (Please bring up to $10)
  • Monday 4th September: Fathers Day Breakfast 8am on Basketball Courts.
  • Don’t forget to book your 3 Way Conference with your child’s teacher for Week 9 (book on Compass)