
Level Foundation
The Amazing World of Foundation KB!
We have been working so hard on our reading and writing this term! Over the last couple of weeks, we have been learning to write stories. Foundation KB has been trying really hard to include the who (character) what (something that happened) and where (setting) in our stories. Have a look at some of the fantastic work we have created!
We have also been learning what it means to read independently using all the decoding strategies that we know. To help us, we have our own independent reading folders with books we have chosen. Foundation KB shows wonderful resilience when reading!
In Maths we have been learning about sharing. We had so much fun making fairy bread and cutting it up to show how we could share fairy bread with our friends. We had so much fun in fact that there is no photo evidence. From the smiles on everyone’s face I would say it was a success!
Our First Assembly Item
On Friday we performed in our first Assembly item in front of half the school. We had some very brave students stand up and speak in front our school mates and family members. Foundation KB also sang and danced beautifully to ‘All the Feels’, which has a wonderful message about the importance of our emotions and that everything will be ok.
Our First Book Week Parade
Our class of legends dressed up for book week. Everyone looked fantastic and we had a fun time showing off our costumes.