Level 6

Level 6
6JL Newsletter
In Numeracy, we have been looking at units of measurement, including finding the volume and surface area of different 3D shapes. We have been doing a lot of hands on activities and using different problem solving strategies to solve worded problems. This week we have started our probability unit, where we are investigating probabilities of different events. We even played a game of 'Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizzard, Spock', which is inspired by some of the teachers favourite show “The Big Bang Theory.”
In Inquiry, Level 6 are halfway through our Inquiry unit “The Journey To Discovery” where we have completed a lot of fun experiments. We have looked into light, forces and circuits. 6JL completed an “Eggsperiment” where we dissolved the shells of Miss Morrow’s chicken’s eggs using vinegar. This week we have started using an app on our iPads called “Hopscotch” where we are creating our own game using coding. We are one session in and they are already looking awesome!
Grandparents Day/Science Week
We wanted to send a huge thank you to our Grandparents and Special Friends who visited our classroom for some fun Science experiments on Friday. We really enjoyed hearing stories about what technology and science was like at school for our visitors! How lucky we are to have access to the technology we use at school today. We blew up balloons using yeast, bottles and water, made our classroom blue creating blue ooblek and made colour patterns using skittles and water. A special mention to our visitors and students who did an incredible job turning our wonderful mess of a classroom into a spotless one.