Level 5

Level 5
Grandparents/ Special Visitors Day
Level 5 explored Science experiments with their special visitors last Friday. Classrooms were buzzing with the chemical reaction of lava lamps. Students discovered that applying pressure changed their ooblek from a liquid to a solid.
Our writing focus is information reports. Students have learnt about note-taking and how to modify these notes into structured paragraphs to elaborate on their topic of ‘Space.’ They included images, labelled diagrams such as maps and pictures to support and extend their written information.
Students have explored media and texts to decide what makes a good presentation such as voice projection, body language and visuals to capture the audience. They used this knowledge to design and present their information reports about ‘Space.’
Students spent two weeks on the ‘fraction, decimal and percentage’ unit. They identified equivalent fractions, changed improper fractions to proper fractions, practised how to order fractions and convert them to decimals and percentages. Students explored real-life Maths problems to develop their knowledge when calculating percentages.
Students have continued their ‘Journey of Discovery’ by conducting experiments to demonstrate changing states of matter. They explored the wondrous properties of water and all the amazing things it can do.