What's Been Happening?

Year 3 Excurison to the Melbourne Museum
The Grade Threes went to the Melbourne Museum on Thursday, 10th August to mainly see the Indigenous areas. We also saw some other exhibits including some creepy crawlies, dinosaurs and Dynamic Earth! In the Indigenous Garden, we saw a bowerbird that was collecting blue lids. We saw a possum skin cloak and learnt all about how the patterns tell the story of the Indigenous person's life. We also watched an amazing light show with the motion of Bunjil, the eagle, describing Creation. My personal favourite, from the Indigenous displays, were the eagle and the bowerbird.
By Charlotte B (Year 3)
RoboGals - Year 6 Girls
On the 21st of August, all the Year 6 girls went to Monash University to encourage us to learn about engineering. If you are wondering what RoboGals is, it is a program where people volunteer to help young girls pursue a career in engineering. When we walked through the front doors it was very quiet for such a big space. We walked to a spacious room and sat down on really comfy couches and listened to university students who were speaking.
The first activity we did was code robots to do what we say. We worked as partners, Nikki and Claudia were partners and did a really good job but had a really sassy robot but everyone else had worse
Monash University is such a busy place but is so cool! We all enjoyed pretending to be a student there even though we looked quite young compared to the REAL students. It must take a long time to get used to all the futuristic technology and the campus.
Some of the different types of Engineering we learnt about were…
- Civil - structures that don’t move.
- Electrical - Things that distribute power to electronic devices.
- Chemical - Finding ways to make raw materials into fully developed products.
- Biomedical - Focuses on advanced technology and medicine to create equipment to improve human health!
- Computer - to design computer system network and develop existing technology.
- Mechanical - design power-producing machines.
- Aerospace - Creates designs like aeroplanes and air craft.
At Robogals we did a kahoot quiz about female researchers and engineers. We learnt that less than 30% of women in the world are researchers. We learnt about different famous engineers and what they did. Such as Ada Lovelace who wrote the first computer program in the world.
They told us the rapid growth of our population is leading to a housing crisis. Our task was to think about how you could design buildings for people to live in without taking up too much space for generations to live. Some examples were to build a house on trees, on water, underwater and underground. The reasons were to save our land and how much space we use. Also having multiple levels like apartments so more people will live on the same block of land.
Overall we loved visiting Monash University and learning all about engineering. It was a great experience, and we’re sure it inspired a lot of us to do engineering.
Grade 1 Mystery Readers