Grade 3 Community News

Dear Grade 3 families,
We have had lots of exciting things happening recently in grade 3!
In Reading, we have continued learning about Ancient Rome. The students have learnt about the Roman lands and the amazing architecture, some of which still exists today, such as Roman roads, bridges and aqueducts. Students have also enjoyed learning about the famous Colosseum and Circus Maximus, where Gladiator battles were fought and chariot races were held. In the coming weeks the grade 3 students will be exploring two different picture story texts, where they will be learning how to make inferences about a character's actions and feelings, how to make connections and identify the point of view in a text.
In Writing, the Grade 3s have continued to work on their information reports about Ancient Rome. They have worked hard on their writing pieces to expand on their ideas, include topic specific vocabulary and create an engaging text for their audience. In the coming weeks the Grade 3s will be working on writing a persuasive piece. During this unit students will attempt to persuade their audience to agree with their point of view using different persuasive techniques. We look forward to reading their pieces!
In Maths, the students have been learning about chance and probability. They have created their own probability lines and placed familiar events on these, discussing the likelihood of them occurring. The Grade 3s have been using the language of chance which includes; impossible, unlikely, even chance, likely and certain. The students have enjoyed conducting their own chance experiments in the classroom and discussing the expected and observed results. Next, students will be moving on to mass and capacity.
Reminders/Important dates:
- Term 4 is the last term of the year!
- Attendance Heroes - please ensure your child is at school every day, unless unwell. Remember to contact the school via Compass if your child is away.
- As it is Term 4, students must wear a hat during recess and lunch play time. Please ensure your child has a hat. If you need to buy one, please contact the office.
- If you would like to speak to your child’s teacher, they would be happy to discuss anything with you. This can be done in several ways:
- Contact the school office and leave a message. The office will get the teacher to call you back.
- Arrange a meeting before or after school, but please be mindful that teachers have meetings Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday after school.
- Alternatively, you can also email and someone will forward your message.
- Please ensure your child completes their Wellbeing Journal and returns it to school on the day their teacher has requested. It is a school expectation that children read for at least 20 minutes every day, so please ensure your child completes the nights of reading section.
The Grade 3 PLC team.